New companion

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Thank you all who have read my book and also I'm sorry for the agonizingly slow updates. However for everyone and anyone who has faith in this book receives an utmost thanks from this one for I had thought of not continuing this book. And as gratitude here is another chapter for you.

Xie lian s pov 

After a long session from the young man named San Lang Xie lian was now at ease knowing that despite this young mans vibe being somewhat off, there was no malicious intent directed towards him. After sometime the radiant yellow glow of the sun that was so beautifully mixed with the crimson shades of the maple leaves started to decrease as night fell leaving the road ahead engulfed by darkness.  

In the distance a single dim light came into view as we drew near I realized belatedly that this was one of the many check points he had come to encounter during his journeys of laying low.

This time the little ghost minions were a bunch of faceless ghosts who were bickering in annoying very dead voices when they noticed the distressed notices of the mule who sensed the ghosts ahead and started to protest very loudly.

I acted quickly and set ruo ye in a defense formation around the cart by this time the driver of the cart had passed out from fear and the mule reassured by the protection charm. We all stood motionless as the ghost minions of the checkpoint came forward holding up there gloomy little lights. Eventually the ghost in the lead bumped into the protective shield and exclaimed loudly.

"Ack it's ghost!" He shrieked 

"What do you mean we're ghosts too!" The other declared.

"Gege is so strong!" San Lang whispered. Looking at the bewildered ghosts mockingly even going as far as too wave his hand in front of there non existent faces.

"Hehe it's only a small trick" I said scratching the back of my neck. I cleared my throat and addressed the ghosts.

"Fellow ghosts I um... I am a... big invisible ghost" I said feeling stupid immediately after. 

"A big invisible ghost?" They repeated together in amusement.

"Yes that...that's right a big invisible ghost!" I said my voice a bit shaky I could practically feel San Lang's smirk on my back. A moment passed and the ghosts and us stood blankly for the other to make the first move. Suddenly one of the ghosts spoke up.

"Ok please pass through oh noble big invisible ghosts and please remember to report to us if you see the crown prince of Xianle" one of the ghosts spoke up leading his fellow ghosts out of the way.

Short hua Cheng pov

What that's it? Such useless little trash! It could have been so much easier if they were to capture him and bring him to me! But then again dianxia isn't very powerful as expected of the crown prince of xianle.

I wonder how many check points he managed to get pass through?

Back to Xie lian's pov 

I gave a sigh of relief before thanking them and passing through. After we made it to some distance San Lang who had been quite for a while poked his head over the giant hay stack of the cart.

"Gege I'm scared" San Lang said as he jumped over the hey stack to sit beside him. 

"Well we've escaped them it's only a matter of time before we get to the village so sit tight" I said trying to reassure him despite knowing he wasn't scared not one bit.

"Gege I think the invisible charm is wearing out" San Lang commented, just as he said that one of the ghost minions turned around just in time to see me stand up to recast the charm.

"It's a cultivator it's a daoist he tricked us with his magic tricks" the ghost minion shrieked effectively catching his fellow ghosts attention, who started to give chase immediately. Before I did anything the mule started to run of its own accord, outrunning the ghosts almost immediately.  After sometime the mule came to a crashing hold on where the road divided into two. Both the paths looked identical in malevolence. I pulled a holy instrument to help decide on a suitable route however thanks to my uninvited guest bad luck. Both the routes showed bad luck.

After three tries the piece of wood would not show me an auspicious road. The mule was getting restless and the ghosts were catching up. "Gege let me have a go"San Lang asked as he took the spiritual device from me immediately three pieces of wood carved with the word auspicious fell pointing at the left path. I immediately picked up the reins and steered, the mule who had been storing energy for the mad dash that sent our hair flying. 

After a while the oppressing yin energy subsided as we exited the dense forest and came to a small mountain slope that from which a little village could be seen, this was puqi village Xie lian originally wanted to come to lay low. With a sigh of relief he entered the village with San Lang by his side on a cart,( and a passed out villager fast asleep).

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