In the puqi shrine

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Xie lians pov 

We arrived at the foot of the mountain a considerably close to the village. Xie lian pressed a few acupoints that caused the villager to wake up startled. Xie Lian stood to the side letting the villager calm down and come back to his senses. 

"Daozhang!" He exclaimed when he caught sight of him. "You saved us!" He cheeared.

"Hmm, let's keep this a secret between us" Xie lian said thinking popularity wasn't the best thing to have at the moment especially since the persistent ghost king still hasn't ceased his searches of him.

"Yes Daozhang! Yes" he said as he reclaimed the reins of his mule and bid a hearty farewell.

"You do know he isn't going to keep this a secret, gege" San Lang said as he hoisted Xie lians abundant basket on to his back.

"But I still hope he doesn't" Xie lian said as he walked next to San Lang "give that to me San Lang  I can carry it" he said trying to reclaim his basket.

"Don't worry gege this one is very strong" he said as they both headed to the shrine that Xie lian was in the process of restoring.

"Umm San Lang this might be a warning to late but this place is extremely shabby" Xie lian said.

"It's okay gege, any where is good when gege is there" San Lang said as he gazed at the please donate sign.

When they arrived at the shrine they entered through the cloth doors and started to unpack the basket.

"See I told you it's shabby" Xie lian said as he placed the last of his junk in place.

"Fine by me" San Lang replied as they both laid down on the straw bed and fell asleep.

Okay after this part I will stop following the books plot I'll see you in the next chapter.

I thank everyone who has ever read my book thank you.

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