Episode 13: The Vanishing (part 1)

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In the training area, Bob comes running.

"I'm here, I'm here" Bob says "Bob, you're late again" Chase say

"Hey, it's not my fault I overslept. It's Bree's" Bob says "What?! How is it my fault?" Bree ask "You keep showin' up in my dreams" Bob says Bree frowns.

Mr Davenport and Douglas walk in, giggling with excitement "What's up with you? Someone asked you to prom?" Leo ask "No. But thanks for opening up old wounds" Douglas says.

"After countless hours of research and development, Douglas and I have finally perfected the most amazing bionic operating system upgrade ever!" Mr Davenport say excited.

"Upgrade!?" Harper lifts her head, closes the book in her hand, and thrusts it without looking into Adam's stomach violently "You said upgrade! The kind that repairs glitches!? An upgrade!!" Harper walks over to them anxious

Douglas and Mr Davenport look at each other and smile "Yeah ,This upgrade is gonna be like going from motor scooters to jet engines. It'll make all of your abilities 10 times more powerful..." Douglas says.

"and!?" Harper smiles "And yes Harper. your glitches will be fully fixed and you will have a 100% functional and improved bionic chip!!" Douglas says, Harper sighs.

"Oh Dad I love you!" Harper hugs Douglas in relief "An upgrade, huh? Well, I'm not sure you can make my leg anymore powerful, but go ahead; give it a go" Leo says, He kicks the air "Ha!" Leo says.

"Sorry, Leo, the upgrade only works on people with bionic chips" Mr Davenport "What?" Leo ask "Be grateful you have a bionic arm and a bionic leg. That's all you're getting. Well, at least until your next horrific accident" Mr Davenport laughs.

"Mr. Davenport, are you sure that this new upgrade is safe? I mean, some of our students haven't even mastered their bionics at the current level" Chase says.

Harper puts her finger on Chase's mouth "shhh honey be quiet, I'm finally going to stop being a walking bug and you want to mess this up!? I've been waiting for this my whole bionic life!" Harper says quietly.

"Yeah, Mr. Davenport, I know youwant to give us like, the coolest thing ever" Bree says mockingly "but do you have to?" Bree says.

"Don't worry. I built in a skill app that allows the students to master their amped-up abilities instantly" Mr Davenport says.

"Bottom line, this upgrade is the best thing that Donnie and I have ever created together. I am so proud of you!" Douglas says "No, I'm proud of you!" Mr Davenport.

"I'm proud of you!" Douglas says "I'm proud of you!" Mr Davenport "Hey, hey! You know what'll make us all proud? If you two go back to hating each other.." Bree says.

"Stop, Bree. You're embarrassing yourself. Oh, sweet girl, you don't have to beg. I'll allow you to kiss me" Bob says sleeping "Wow Bree! You're missing a match!!" Harper laughs.

"Okay, I'll wake him up" Adam says "Nope, I got this" Bree says she super speeds out of the room and brings
back a training dummy, Bree puts it in front of Bob and he starts kissing it.

"Hm. They actually make a cute couple! They are better than you two" Adam tells Chase and Harper,they both look at him irritably "Oh Come on! Bob's already at second base with that training dummy, how far have you guys got!?" Adam says, Harper and Chase look at each other awkwardly.

Harper Rolls her eyes and leaves.


in the training area,Mr Davenport enters the room.

"How's it going with the upgrade?" Mr Davenport ask "I'll let you be the judge. Go ahead, Jenny. Show him how powerful you are now" Douglas says.

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