Episode 2: One of Us

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In the common area, Harper and Douglas were talking when Adam, Bree and Chase enter the room.

"have you seen Leo? He's late for training" Chase ask "Why don't you just call him?" Douglas ask.

"Ugh, too much work. Let's just kick him out of the academy" Adam says, the phone rings and Leo pops up on a video call on the screen.

"Hello" Leo says "Leo, what are you doing back in Mission Creek? You're supposed to be here for training" Chase says.

"Sorry, I had to pop back and deal with a little situation. Janelle missed me. You ladies can be so needy" Leo says.

"She threatened to break up with you, didn't she?" Bree ask "It was implied" Leo says the doorbell rings "Ah! She's here!" Leo says and hangs up.

"Can you believe him? Skipping his training to hang out with a girl?" Chase says, Harper crosses her arms.

"and there's a problem with that, Chase!?" Harper asks frowning, Chase looks at her startled.

"uh...of course not!...Girlfriends come first, I...I would never trade you for training let that be known!!" Chase says nervously, Harper glares at him.

"please don't leave me" Chase says startled, Harper smiles and runs her hand over his arm.

the hydraloop opens and S-1 walks out

"Aaah! It's her!" Douglas says, all of the students get into fighting positions.

"Hey, you look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?" Adam says "Adam, that's S-1. Krane's lead soldier. She tried to destroy us" Chase says.

"Oh, yeah. What do you say we finish the job and get out of here?" Adam says whit a smirk,"Adam! Come on!" Harper says.

"Harper I'm in the middle of a conversation, don't mind her, she's an angel when you know her well" Adam tells S-1.


Still in the common area.

"What are you doing here?" Chase ask "I figured since this is the Bionic Academy, you're the only people who might be able to help. Something's wrong with me" S-1 says.

"Well, anyone who lived at least 24 hours straight next to Krane has serious psychological problems, look at me and Douglas..." Harper says "hey speak for yourself!" Douglas says.

"yeah,we already know that, Psycho Sally. You tried to crush Leo and take us all out!" Bree says "I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about" S-1 says.

"So you don't remember when I used a stun baton and left you on the floor?" Harper says "no!?" S-1 says "so that serves as a warning, I don't want to have to make you remember!" Harper says threatening.

"girl stay calm, she doesn't remember anything, She's a blank slate, just like the rest of the soldiers were" Douglas says pushing the two away.

"Why weren't you rounded up with everyone else?" Chase ask "All I know is that I woke up in a field, and this family found me and took me in. And when they discovered I was bionic, they freaked out, so I ran away and I've been hiding ever since" S-1 says.

"I don't believe her" Bree says "there's a way to tell if it's true" Adam says, Everyone looks at Harper.

"What? Why is everyone looking at me?" Harper says "Because usually you're the one who suspects everyone, it's kind of your thing" Bree says "And you never miss, you're like a human lie detector" Adam says.

"Ooh! Well in my opinion the problem is you guys that are like super blind but..." Harper says.

"I don't see anything wrong with her being honest...for now!" Harper says look at her threatening "Well, why would she lie? Krane's no longer controlling her mind with the Triton App. so she has no reason to be evil" Douglas says.

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