Chapter 12 // Some Healthy Communication

Start from the beginning

"It's been a year..." Hayden says solemnly. "If I'm remembering the anniversary of our relationship then something is clearly wrong. I'm supposed to be the irresponsible one." He sighs, "I can't be pretty and carry the relationship on my own."

Fuck, Vincent thinks.

As smart as he is, somewhere in his mind, he thought Hayden would be okay with skipping past important milestones. Even though Hayden still has some humor in him, Vincent can tell that he is genuinely hurt. Vincent just didn't think that Hayden, someone who hardly ever takes anything seriously, would be upset at not being sentimental. Vincent is also trying to not do everything he did with Sabrina for the fear of fucking up his relationship with Hayden because he can't lose him. Vincent has lost his own house and half of his family, so he can't lose one of the people who unknowingly keeps him together.

"Shit, I'm sorry Hayden," Vincent says sincerely, jumping off the counter and reaching out to place a comforting hand on his boyfriend.

Hayden moves away, fairly upset but trying not to show it.

"Can I just ask you one thing?" Hayden whispers. Vincent looks at him patiently. "Have you been humoring me this whole time?"

"What?" Vincent says, his chest tightening at the implications of the question.

"Do you even really like me?" Hayden says, looking at the ground when he can't maintain eye contact because those swirls of chocolate are his favorite comfort, but he won't be able to handle it if they stomp his heart into the ground. "You never make any excuses to touch me. You never call me handsome or anything like that. You don't even kiss me half of the time. I just...don't know what else to think."

Vincent strolls across the laundry room to the door. But before Hayden can get any wrong ideas, Vincent kicks the door shut and locks it. He then easily flicks the light off.

"You forgot the blinds," Hayden mutters halfheartedly.

Vincent aggressively shuts the blind so that no light enters the room. Hayden shifts with unease in the darkness and almost jumps when Vincent touches his side.

"What are you—"

"Shut your mouth," Vincent commands before pressing his lips firmly against Hayden's.

And just like that, Hayden melts at the mercy of Vincent Russell. With one simple touch of his lips, he's so completely smitten and sold that he couldn't walk away from Vincent, even if he was asked to.

Vincent pulls Hayden closer, pushing his hands into his lower back so that he can feel all of Hayden. Vincent cards his hand through Hayden's soft brown hair, clenching the strands so carefully between his fingers as he tries to show how much this boy means to him without words. Hayden is so, so weak to his familiar touch that he's like pliable clay anytime Vincent lays his hands on him.

"Vinny," Hayden breathes into their kiss.

"Hold on, I'm not done with you yet," Vincent cheekily says.

Hayden smiles as their lips masterfully connect in the darkness of their surroundings. After all, no light is needed for their chests to spark with adoration.

Vincent, despite not knowing where they are in the room, pushes Hayden back until his boyfriend meets one of the surfaces of the washing machines. Vincent cages Hayden's slightly shorter form with his body, his hands planting themselves on the metal behind Hayden. Hayden has to breathlessly lean back as Vincent lightly but passionately keeps their lips connected.

Suddenly, Hayden's thoughts of dread all come rushing back. Vincent still hasn't actually said anything regarding Hayden's genuine questions. Hayden clenches his eyes shut at the thought of Vincent only liking him physically and not as a person. Before Hayden can overthink any longer, Vincent's voice slices through the wistful moment.

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