Chapter 1

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"The allure of sweetness often conceals the venom within, while the vast expanses of generosity can harbor the deepest wells of love. As the sun can harbor love in its warmth, and the moon can harbor venom in its cold."

The radiance of the sun's inheritance painted the room, casting warm hues that danced across every surface. Lorraine's entrance echoed with a contagious energy, a vibrant force that turned heads and illuminated the atmosphere. My eyes couldn't help but be drawn to her, the very embodiment of warmth in my life.

Strands of Lorraine's light brown hair caught the sunlight, creating an ethereal halo as it cascaded over her shoulders. Her tan skin, kissed by the sun, whispered tales of days spent basking in its glow. Unlike her usual facade of confidence, she was worriedly mumbling and pacing around the room. Her hair flowed behind her, entrancing me. My bouncy black curls covered my eyesight, but not from Lorraine.

I strained my eyes to see her, hating that I left my glasses behind. Staring at Lorraine, I asked, "So what did you do?" My voice came out in a monotone, a thin veil attempting to conceal the concern bubbling within me.

Lorraine stopped, turning to face me, letting out a sigh as she strolled to the corner of the room where I sat in the shade, my knees pulled to my chest. She sat in the sun, dividing us from the darkness, sitting on her knees.

I admired her; my black hair glared brightly even in the dim room. My brown eyes shone as bright as the moon, bringing a calm and serene feeling over Lorraine.

"Don't you remember when we saw that poster for making and performing your own theatre show?" Lorraine said hesitantly, avoiding my eyes.

"You had me worried for a sec but if it's about signing us up, I don't mind if you did; it's not like we would get picked," I said bluntly, tipping my head back against the wall, closing my eyes.

"You see-"

"Lorraine Lucia Marino,"

"We were chosen," Lorraine pushed quickly, choosing to turn to the window, feeling a heavy gaze behind her.

"For the one that's in Veneto, Italy?" I hissed.

"Yes," Lorraine dragged out."We are in the deep south in the US,"

"Yeah and so-"

"That is a 12-hour flight and who has money to buy a plane ticket,"

"We don't need to buy a plane ticket,"

"Lorraine, how are we going to get there then?" I asked, sarcasm etching my features.

"In my private jet," Lorraine said nonchalantly, moving back to sit next to me, shoulder to shoulder.


Why are you so quiet-"

"I forgot you were rich,"

"I'm not-"

"Lies and slanders, I just realized we have a whole ass apartment," I said, leaning my head against Lorraine's shoulder.

"We do not,"

"We have a personal kitchen, bathroom, living room, and laundry room, while everyone else just a dorm room. And now that I'm reminded, you paid for my brother, James, to go to a good prestigious school for athletics."

"So? I just wanted both of you out of that house."

"You paid 6,000 dollars for him to go there,a year"

"Yeah, but your parents were borderlining abusive, so it was better to get you two out."

"What about yours? Are they good people?"

"Mine are just neglectful, but the rest of my family are good people; they're just not in the US."

"Lucky you,"

"Well, you're lucky you have me and our slightly concerning coping mechanism."


"Ooh, remember the time someone saw your scars and asked you what it was? And I said her cats got OCD."

"Yeah, and we were both sent to the counselor's office..."

"Was given 2 weeks of therapy, but evaded any way they tried to get us to go."

"You remember when we literally hid on the roof to hide from them?"

"Yeah, good times, and I'm quite sure they'll be sending the same therapist they tried to make us go to with us if we do go."

"Don't jinx it,"

"Alright, let's get back to our 'apartment'," I said, standing up from my spot in the corner, my bones cracking a symphony. I could hear Lorraine grumble something in Italian from behind me. Lorraine followed me to our dorms and walked in, settling on the couch. I sat down, laying my legs in Lorraine's lap.

We sat there in peaceful silence, just evolving with the world.

"So," Lorraine dragged out, "Pizzolo?" she suggested.

"Yes, please because I have a feeling this night won't be as peaceful as the last," I said, sighing as I moved my feet off of Lorraine's lap so I could stand.

"So how about Victor's Pizzolo, you know it'll take a long time but it'll be worth it, plus it's not 7:30 yet; it's still about 6:50," Lorraine said as she grabbed her phone from the kitchen table.

"Yeah, that'll be fine so do you want me to get the room ready?" I asked, standing up and walking towards the room.

"Yeah and choose the movie," Lorraine said, dialing the pizza place number and placing it up to her ear.

"Alright," I replied, walking inside the shared room, looking around to see if I needed to make the double-size bed in the corner of the room and clean up the sitting spot on the floor.

I started to grab the old blanket and sheets off the bed and sit them on the floor, getting a softer pair from the closet. I picked up the blankets once I was done making the bed and walked out to put them in the washing machine.

On my way back, I could hear Lorraine speaking rushed Italian before she walked back into the room. I started to pick up the mess of pillows and sit them on the bed and cleaned up the small table made for eating on the floor.

I pulled out an armful of throw blankets and laid them on the bed. I grabbed the remote off the nightstand and turned on the TV, looking through the selection. I picked Hamilton the Musical.

Soon, Lorraine walked in holding a steaming hot pizza in hand. She sat it down on the nightstand and climbed into bed, shucking off her shoes to the side of the bed. I sat the remote to the side of Lorraine and went to turn off the light.

As I made my way to the light switch, Lorraine called out, "You know you don't have to turn the light off that way."

"Then how do we-" I was interrupted by clapping, and the room was pitch dark.

"I forgot you were rich again," I deadpanned as I walked back to the bed where Lorraine was patting a spot for me, not denying it.

I climbed in and sat in the spot, grabbing a piece of pizza before I was dragged back to Lorraine's chest. I was used as a headrest as soon as Lorraine put her chin on top of my head.

I was not bothered by it, starting the movie. We cuddled against each other, my small frame fitting between Lorraine's like a puzzle piece. We watched the movie, having a few laughs along the way. A tranquil silence enveloped us, each moment pregnant with unspoken emotions.-----------

This is my first book, I take constructive criticism. Also please tell me if there are any grammar or spelling errors.

Also feel free to suggest things for me to input in new chapters.

Anyways stay hydrated.

1206 words


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