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i push the front door of the apartment open as i stumble inside, closing the door by leaning on it and pushing it back, then sliding down the door as i took off my shoes and putting them in the lower shelf of the shoe shelves. i then pull myself back up onto my feet and place my keys on a small table where jiseok's keys were also placed.

i then hear a few shouts coming from further down the hall, which is where the gaming room is. the door was already slightly open, so i decided to take a peek.

the room was being lit up by the red lights from the led strips that jiseok and i put up around the walls when we moved in. jiseok had his gaming headset on and was sat on one of the two gaming chairs, him being on his own gaming computer with overwatch being played, while the connecting monitor beside his laptop had the boy's cameras displayed on it.

"shoot him!", jiseok shouts out, slamming the desk a few times after he had died, and that was sadly the end of his game. he leans back in his gaming chair, letting out a loud groan as he hid his face in the palm of his hands, "jooyeon, i'm begging you to never use that hero again.".
i smile softly as i open the door a bit more and lean my shoulder on the doorway.

it's been a while since i saw jiseok play games, so it brought back some good memories from when we were dating with a distance, so we had to play our games while on call.

i'm not sure what was said, but i did see gunil pointing at the camera, but what i do know is that he did point at something to make jiseok turn around and notice me.

"oh?", he calls out with a confused look, "you're home already?".
"been here for a while.", i slur my words as i stumble my way over to him, almost tripping over myself but regaining my balance soon after. i lean down a bit and place a kiss on jiseok's lips, then standing up properly and hugging his head up to my chest, "i love you so much.".

"baby, are you drunk?", jiseok asks as he breaks the hug, him pulling over the other gaming chair and setting me down on it. i nod my head a bit with a sly smirk. he then lets out a sigh as he turns to his monitor, "guys, i have to go. i'll text you guys in the morning.". the boys then say something to jiseok while waving at the camera, continuing to wave but stops as soon as he ends the call. he then takes off his head set and stands up from his chair, "go and freshen up.".

"don't want to.", i shrug as i stand up, then smiling as i wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down closer to me, "i wanna spend time with you.". he then places his hands on my hips as he smiles, connecting our lips together for a while before breaking it.

"if you freshen up now, we can cuddle on the totoro bed.."

and he didn't have to say that twice. i immediantly unwrapped my arms from his neck and ran for the bathroom in our bedroom. as soon as i turned the water on, jiseok let out a loud cackle.

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