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! you are now reading in chaeri's perspective again.

i pause the tiktok video i was playing on my phone as i froze in my spot, trying to figure out if it was the actual front door that was being unlocked or if it was sound from the tiktok video. the sound of the front door opening then made me properly sit up rather than me hanging upside down on the sofa. i then peep my head at the front door and saw jiseok trying his best to take his shoes off quietly though he was stumbling around a bit.

"jiseok?" i call out. jiseok turn his head over to me, his back straight ong as he waved over to me with a smile. "you're back soon."

"i was out for almost 4 hours, baby. it's almost 1am." jiseok slurs as he finally takes his runners off, then stumbling towards me. "why are you still up? you didn't have to wait for me."

"i just wanted to make sure you got home safe." i shrug as i watch jiseok almost tripping over himself as he made his way to the living room, me following right behind him. "how was it? was it fun?"

jiseok then throws himself onto the sofa, then dragging me down beside him as he then looks up to me with a cheeky look on his face, "very fun, he says before placing a kiss on my lips, "you know i love you, right?", he than places another kiss on my cheek, then another on my nose, and then my forehead.

"my brothers did something to you.." i sigh as i look at him as he shook his head, him coming towards me for another kiss. i frown slightly as i out my palm onto his face, pushing his head back. "why don't you go brush your teeth, mister drunko."

"i'm your mister drunko." jiseok softly laughs as he gets up from the sofa, winking at me as he waddles his way to the bathroom.
i then grab my phone, opening the group chat with my brothers.

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