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where's chae gone??

i was just sleeping and then poof she vanished

baby dw im here

sunjae, junseo, saena and i are here at the venue preparing for the wedding

the twins should be there since they'll both be bringing u guys to the venue

leon's still asleep

wake him up you guys have to bring the boys here in under an hour for rehearsals

the others are still sleeping

hyeongjun's dead asleep rn

i poked him multiple times and he won't wake up

is he dead..?

get off your phones and get into your suits

we won't have time to change at the venue

shit we still need to dress up..

i'll see you there?

yeah ofc

love you baby

love you too

i did NOT want to wake up to that

oh shut up and get ready


"saena!", i call out as i jog over to her, "we should get dressed now. the wedding starts in an hour."
saena then nods her head as he passes a bucket of fake, white flowers to junseo who was already dressed in his blue and white suit. he's a yoon brother, so doyun made him one of his groomsmen. "put these in the vases in the middle of every table."

we both then head on over to the back which is where both minhee and doyun have their own dressing rooms. they both decided to see each other at the aisle, since they both think it's bad luck to see each other in their wedding outfits beforehand.

i knock on minhee's door before opening it, peeking my head in with a smile. "peek-a-boo!" i say as i fully open the door and let saena in, closing it behind me.

minhee was already in her dress which was a beautiful white dress which was poofy. there was a floral lace design around the edges of the dress but the front was silk cloth. the corset had a white neckline and had white gems on it. the gems on the torso did somewhat define her figure.

the top half of her brown hair was put in a plait with white ribbon in some strands and there was a white flower clip at the top. the bottom half of her hair was slightly curled.

she was currently getting her makeup done which was planned to be simple. sparkly eyeshadow, light peachy blush and pink coloured lipstick with a cat-like designed eyeliner.

"holy shit.." saena says as she goes up to minhee, the make up artists smiling as they continued to do minhee's makeup. "you look unreal right now.."

"why thank you, athena." minhee smiles but quickly dropping it to let the makeup artists do their job.
"we're just here to get our bags to get dressed." i say as i grab my bag along with saena's. "we'll check up on doyun after."

"are there any guests yet?" minhee asks. i shake my head.
"doors open in 25 minutes, but the boys are running a bit late." saena shrugs as we both head for the door, waving at minhee, "we'll leave you be for now, but we'll be back!"

with that we both leave the room and head for the extra changing room. i shut the door closed and lock it, then turning the lights on.

"don't look at me while i change." i call out as i set my bag down on a table. saena scoffs as she places her hands on her hips, looking at me up and down.

"babes, i've seen more of you than jiseok has ever seen."

After You || GaonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora