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"is this mr. kwak?" the landlord, sarah walsh, asked as she gestured to jiseok. i nod my head with a smile. "great! does he understand english?"

"sadly no," i frown as i turn to jiseok for a bit before looking at sarah again, "but i'll be teaching him the language soon."

"that's totally fine." she says as looks through her purple folder, then taking out a few pieces of paper which already had my signature on them. it was the lease. "could you tell mr.kwak to sign where the blank lines are?"

she places the papers on the marble counter, passing jiseok a pen.
"she said to sign your name on the blank spaces." i say as i pint over to the lines.

"i know." jiseok says as he nods his head, then signing his full name on the papers before passing them over to sarah with a sweet smile.

"alrighty!" she says with a smile, putting the paper back in her folder and taking out another set of keys, passing it to jiseok. "the place is officially being rented by you guys now, so you can start moving your stuff in when you're ready."

"baby," jiseok nudges my shoulder, "can you tell her that my stuff from korea is going to be shipped here soon?". i nod my head as i turn to sarah.

"as you know, jiseok's coming from another country so he did have to internationally ship his stuff from korea, so he's just telling me to tell you that a shipment will be coming here."

"that's totally ok," sarah says as us three then walk to the front door, her opening the front door, "i can give the movers access to the apartment just so then the apartment lobby won't be crowded with his stuff, if that's alright?"

"yeah that's perfect, thanks again." i say, then saying goodbye to sarah as he walked down the hall, leaving jiseok and i in our apartment.

it was just like the photos jiseok had sent me over text - modern apartment with high ceiling rooms, a living room with a full window wall, modern bathrooms and the spacious bedrooms.

there was even a balcony where the living room was which did surprise both jiseok and i since we didn't see the balcony in the photos.

"so..", jiseok starts as he closes the front door, smiling at me, "this is it, this is officially our apartment."
"it's like my dream home, but in the form of an apartment.", i call out as i go over to the empty living room, opening the balcony door and stepping out.

the balcony was pretty big, to be honest, but that did also mean we could put a small seating area out here, and maybe even a hammock. hell, we could even have small dates out here.

"it's almost 5, shouldn't you be meeting up with saena and the other bridesmaids for minhee's bachelorette party?" jiseok calls out as he leans his arms on the balcony railing, looking at the beautiful river view which the apartment had provided us with. i nod my head as i take my phone out to tell kyeongtae that we're going down now. he did drive us here since i can't drive at the moment and jiseok doesn't even have a drivers license.

"we should hurry down then," i say as i walk back inside, then closing the door and locking it after jiseok came back in as well, "we wouldn't want to keep kyeongtae waiting or else he'd get mad.."

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