Hadrian James Zach Sirius Evan-Potter

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Harry, Nev, Mia, and Luc were guided through the halls of Kaden Manor by the men who had captured them. They weren't defeated. No. They had surrendered. They did that because of orders and the quartet(Harry, Luc, and Nev. Mia's a muggle-born) wanted to see what had happened since they left our homes.

You see, Harry's full name is Hadrian James Zach Sirius Evans-Potter. He is the son of a well-known Auror, James Potter, and brilliant potions master, Lilian "Lily" Evans-Potter. He is also the twin of the world-famous Boy-who-lived, Ryan James Ellen Remus Evans-Potter.

Oh shit, Sirius Black is talking.

"-ame's Sirius. And you are being arrested for being known to do illegal business around the British Wizarding World. C'mon."

"Um, should you be telling your name to 'illegal criminals'?" Mia couldn't help but ask.

"Not really, but whatever. Not like you haven't heard of the Order of Phoenix. And all of us except those two," he pointed to the Weasleys, "are well-known members,"

"I did not know that the light accepted Werewolves either...after all only the day before yesterday, they made the rule that werewolves should not be allowed anywhere near children. So now, Werewolves can't be god-parents either. Now the perfect Bow-who-lived shall have no god-father. So, so sad." Harry mocked Remus Lupin.

He, James, and Sirius growled at me; the two Weasleys scooted slightly away from Remus and you could tell that Auror Longbottom and Auror Kingsley did not know how to feel about it.

"Shut up, will ya? Oh, I'm gonna have so much fun when who you are is revealed." James growled. Nice first new impression, Dad, Harry thought.

"Sure we will, but tell us, is Ryan Potter despaired about losing his Godfather? Oh please do. Can I get an interview? I work for a paper company- you may have heard of it: it's called," Luc paused for a dramatic pause, "Creature Times."

"Ya, in Knocturn Alley, it's a big hit." Nev supplied, "All types of creatures read it: Vampires, Werewolves, Sirens, Veelas, and much, much more."

"My son," Lord Potter growled, "will not be giving interviews to some sloppy newspaper."

"He has given interviews to the Daily Prophet, ain't that some sloppy newspaper," Harry defended the newspaper he co-directed with the others.

"He's given what? 10 interviews in his lifetime." Sirius to the rescue.

"Why are you defending him? Aren't you supposed to be bitter about the fact that you aren't precious Ryan Potter's Godfather? Your best friend clearly did not think you could care for a child," Maybe I should stop the roasting. . .Nah, Harry thought.

"I was the Godfather to Had- " he shut up when he understood he had said it out loud. He couldn't even say my name aloud. It hurts. After all, he and I had the godparent-godchild bond, Harry thought, sadly. He knew that he was winding the man up, but...he had missed them and now that he was so, so near them he felt like hugging them. Harry was trying to make them hate him so that would yell at him. Hate him. Or something.

"Can't even say his name? Pathetic." Nev said.

"Yes, pathetic indeed," Luc repeated.

"Does precious little Ryan Potter even know he had a brother?" Mia roasted someone. Yes. Malfoy owns me 50 galleons. Harry did a happy dance in his head.

"Oh, itty-bitty Potter family. Too scared to say Hadrian Evans-Potter." Harry mocked. Lord Potter and Lord black stiffened.


I know Harry's name is long and that it is not (in canon) Evans-Potter, but I don't think Lily would just change her last name. 



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