Plan Idiotic

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Swiftly, Harry walked away from the entrance of Knocturn Alley and took a turn. He quickly took out a walkie-talkie from my pocket and spoke into it: "I'm being followed. Remember the plan? Nev? Mia? Luc?"

"We're all here... don't worry, we remember the plan. Not like Mia made us recite the plan at least a hundred times. Maybe more." Nav said.

"Hey," Mia's indignant voice could be heard.

"Not the time to squabble, I can see Harry... and his pursuer; I think it's Kingsley," Luc said.

"Ya, I think so too... He has a dark skin tone and is bald. " Harry said. He was walking even more swiftly now.

"Oh, wait," Luc started, "There's more... There's someone with sand blond hair. And two more with orange hair... and another with black hair." Mia said.

"I only thought there were three... The black-haired one is good." I muttered.

"Okay, they're catching up... time for part one of Operation Idiotic," Luc said 

"Hey, the name is Operation Delta Strike," Mia sounded angry.

"That's a boring and cliche name." Harry, Nev, and Luc said at the same time.

"The name you gave is insulting,"

"But-" Nev started

"Not the time to squabble remember." Harry reminded them.

"Fine" Nev huffed.

"Oh, I think the orange-haired ones are the Weasely's elder kids. Benjamin and Charles, I think." Luc said.

"Okay... Now."

And Harry quickly bent down and his pursuers were hit with a bombard of smoke bombs on them. But the black-haired on quickly made a shield, very quickly. A shield that is not taught in any schools... A pure-blood one. he hated the fact that old families have such powerful spells and they have been passed down from generation to generation and other people outside of the family can never learn them. And now Harry knew that the black-haired man is either James Potter or Sirius Black or Frank Longbottom. The first two of whom I hate. 

But Harry did not run, no, the smoke bombs are not distractions they are the perfect element for a dramatic entrance.

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