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The following weeks remained the same, working late for Falcone. But now, whenever Sylas had the time, he would go over to Wayne Manor and hangout with Bruce. Over the weeks they became best of friends.

As the weeks passed, Autumn turned to winter and the holidays rolled around, the most wonderful time of year was upon Gotham as Christmas lights decorated the streets, carolers were singing, and white snow fell from the sky. A Gotham Christmas like any other, or so everyone thought. For this Christmas would change the lives of everyone in Gotham.

6:52 pm, Dec. 24th

Sylas was working a normal shift at Falcone's when a short skinny man wearing a suit, his black hair was spiky, his nose long and pointy like a bird's beak, and holding an umbrella as round sunglasses rested on his beak nose. Behind him were two large goons. "Ah. Mr.Cobblepot, please sit." Falcone called out as the short man walked over with a limp on his right leg, using the umbrella as a cane.

When the little man sat down, Sylas rushed over to pour them a glass of water. "Hey Jimmy. Take the rest of the night off. Go enjoy the holiday." Whenever Falcone told him that, it meant he was about to start a crime meeting with either one of the other crime families or a new client, and since Sylas hand never met Mr.Cobblepot till now, meant he was new.

"You sure Mr. Falcone? Because I can work late." But Falcone dismissed it. "Nah kid. Christmas is about spending time with your family. Plus, you work late every night. Go enjoy your holiday vacation. I'll see you in a week. Tony! Give the kid his pay."

Tony came in with an envelope. "Enjoy yourself kid."

"Thank you Mr.Falcone. Merry Christmas!"

Sylas hurried out of the building and went to Gotham Plaza to buy a tiny Christmas tree and some ornaments.

8:23 pm.

Sylas arrived home with the tiny Christmas tree and ornaments. It took him a couple of minutes to set up the tree and decorate it. Half an hour later, Selina arrived with her spoils. When she noticed the little tree. She smiled. "How cute."

"So. What's the plan for tonight?" She asked, sitting down on their dusty old couch. "Tonight we are gonna hit big. We are going after Falcone's safe in his warehouse down at the docks. Once we crack open the safe in his office, we will leave this at the scene." Sylas then pulled out a very fancy cufflink.

"A cufflink?"

"Not just any cufflink, one of Salvatore Maroni's favorite cufflinks, which I swiped the other day when he showed up. Falcone will notice tomorrow during their meeting. Making Falcone belive that Maroni was the one who robbed him. Initiating a gang war, giving me a credible reason to quit without raising suspicion, and then we escape with the spoils, scot free."

Selina thought the plan over in her head. "Sounds like a plan. When do we hit them?" "We hit them at 9:30."

9:30 pm

As planned, Sylas and Selina arrived at the docks, wearing all black leather outfits, masks, and doufflebags, only for them to see that the security had doubled. "A lot more guys then before."

"I'm guessing Falcone's meetung with today's client didn't end well." Sylas spoke overlooking the docks from a nearby rooftop. "What do you mean?" Selina asked.

"Falcone can be very cautious at times. Paranoid is a better work for it. Whenever a deal doesn't go as planned and/or the client makes a threat, Falcone will double the security in all his businesses, especially his illegal ones. Lo and behold, here we are. Extra security."

Sylas then thought for a moment.
"No matter. Cuz our entry pointy is still unguarded." Sylas ponted to the skyline roof just above where the office would be. "Guess I won't be needing this anymore." Sylas said holding out the cufflink.

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