four - secrets in the walls

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I didn't leave my room for the rest of the day, nor the most of the next day. Instead, I stayed within the walls of my room and wallowed in my own self pity. The only person who had noticed that I had been missing was Alonzo, who had come to check up every now and then on me. He had made me food and made sure I was alright like the angel he was.

But I think there is only so much I can do in my room for two days, which is why I was currently sitting in the lounge, flicking through the television for any show to watch. Alonzo had left earlier, informing me that Rosario was to return from a trip today and wanted me to meet him in his office to discuss more about my misdemeanour. I guess that explained the lack of human interaction in the house, there had only been silence for the past day, which I am thankful for, I didn't really feel like listening to more scolding or teasing as a matter of fact.

Just as I lower the glass of water from my mouth, I hear the sounds of the front door slamming shut, followed by an angry noise. Rosarios voice travelled down the hallway and up the stairs and I was sure to follow it discreetly.

As he closes the door to his office, I lightly walk forwards and press my ears against the wood, hoping to hear more.

"The deal is off, Aldo." His voice is hard, "You failed to meet the requirements, even if I had attended the meeting, I would have declined your proposal."

Is he on about the meeting missed because of me?

"Stop making excuses!" His hand bangs against the hardwood desk, and the sound of metal clattering fills the air, "You were incompetent, and you were not careful. What happens to you next is not my business."

My hand covers my mouth, quietening the sound of my fast paced breath. Something was not right, there was a tight feeling in my chest, one that was screaming through my veins to alert me that Rosario is involved in something unusual. Perhaps this is what had him on edge these past few days, I do remember Alonzo talking about how Rosario had been making rash decisions.

My head rests back agains the wall, and in the silence, I had realised that Rosario had finished his conversation with Aldo.

Tentatively, I walk a few steps forwards, and raise my arms against the wood of the door to knock. I don't wait for an answer before I enter, and that was perhaps why I was met with his harsh glare. Both of his hands were clenched and rested on the table, and his head was raised only enough to see the pupils of his eyes.

I clear my throat, "Alonzo said you wanted to talk to me."

I move to sit down in the leather chair in front of his desk as he gestures towards it with his head

He lets out a heavy sigh before speaking, "I did, I wanted to discus your punishment after what had happened at school the other day, I've just been too busy with work to have dealt with this nonsense."

My fingers begin to play with one another once more, and a small twinge of annoyance settles within me. He doesn't even know the whole story, he's not even thinking for a moment why I, the child who never steps out of line, suddenly felt the urge to punch someone square in the jaw. Because it sure as hell wasn't for the shits and giggles.

"You're grounded for the next week, I'm taking your phone and laptop, and I don't want to hear a word about it." He continues, no empathy lacing his voice.

"Ok." I agree, knowing well that if I had even tried to argue my side, he wouldn't stand around to listen. He can find out when he's interested.

My words of compliance must have caught him off guard, his head tilts up slightly in shock and his mouth opens to speak, "You're not going to even try and plead your case, like you normally do?"

I shake my head, getting ready to stand up and leave, "Nope."

His eyebrows twitch slightly, "Well you can see yourself out then, but bring me your phone and laptop before nine today."


Once more I laze around in the living room, except this time I had no phone or laptop to entertain me. Alonzo was also seated besides me and I could hear Rafael making his way out of the kitchen into the living room.

His feet stop behind me, and as I wait for him to speak, I don't bother looking back at him.

"Are you not meant to be grounded?" He asks, his voice tinged with agitation.

"I am." I give him his reply.

"Then why are you not in your room?" He presses further.

"Because I have fourteen more days to rot in my room, I don't think a few hours in the living room will actually hurt anyone."

Before Rafael could deliver his retort,  Rosario's irritated voice fills the room, "Luna, I did not say you start your punishment tomorrow, I said it starts today, I expect you to listen to me and follow what I tell you."

I turn around to face him, "I've already given you my phone and laptop, what else do you want?"

"I want you to stop acting like a brat and respect my punishment, especially after being suspended."

My mouth hangs open in shock, "I am not acting like a brat, I am literally just sat here doing nothing, Rafael is the one you should be complaining about!"

Rafael's smirk falls of his face once he realises I had dragged him into this conversation. But once more Rosario cuts him before he could add his opinions, "As far as I can recall, you were the one who punched another student, you were the one who got suspended and so you should be the one to take these instructions as punishment, not Rafael."

I was done being treated like a child who misbehaves all the time. Why was it that the one time I messed up, everyone acted as though the world had ended. I had never, ever gotten into a fight with anyone, I always did what I was told, I did my work to the best of my abilities, and I always made sure I didn't disrespect or disobey Rosario. Why couldn't he see that he was being the unreasonable one?

From the corner of my eye I could see Rafael's smile surface once again. 


He's just happy that I've messed up and that I was the one who needed to be put into to place and not him for a change. It's always been like that, he's always looking for a way to get me into trouble.

I sigh, standing up,  perhaps there was no point even trying to argue with him, because at the end of the day, he was older, and his word was law. But that didn't stop me from speaking up one last time, "I know you like to think you know everything, that you know exactly who we are and what we're thinking, but, how much do you really know about this situation when you don't even bother asking me what happened, why I did what I did? And I bet you can't even tell me the name of the person who I punched."

His eyebrows furrowed, and his voice was low when he replied, "The context doesn't matter, because at the end of it all, you still punched someone, you are still suspended."

"Well, then I guess it's my fault I overestimated how much you cared." I speak softly, and as I leave to retreat to my room, I notice his frown dropping, something akin to remorse masks his eyes.

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