one - the tragedy called school

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My arms stretch across the table as I place my head on the counter, sighing as I think about the day ahead of me. The sun this morning had provided minimal warmth, the chill had seeped into our house, and despite the several layers of my uniform, my body was still cold.

I dislike going to school. Sure spending time with my friends is fun and all, but that doesn't counteract the tons of work we are piled with in the lessons in-between. School will be my thirteenth reason one day.

The rough palms of one of my brothers wrap around my head, rubbing it with force and disrupting the orderly fashion my hair once was in.

"I am so happy I don't have school." He goads, his voice deeper than usual.

I turn my head so that I am now resting on my right ear and I glare at Alonzo, "Yeah, but you have to go to work instead."

"Still better than school," he laughs, "And I get paid."

He moves away and grabs a plate for himself, filling it with the breakfast he had prepared this morning. I decide against responding to him, and instead, I try gaining his sympathy.

I move one of my arms, and clutch the lower part of my stomach, "My tummy hurts so much Alonzo, and I feel like I'm going to throw up."

I open an eye and notice the small smile that settles on his lips, "I can give you a paracetamol for the stomach ache, and fingers crossed the breakfast you devoured over there doesn't come back up."

I should have put my plate away, "What you think I'm faking because I ate breakfast? Are you suggesting that I should starve myself every time I feel sick? The nerve, do you not know in this day and age, telling me, a seventeen year old girl, to stop eating is the worst thing you can do?"

He sighs, "What I think you should be worried about is how bad your acting is."

"I am not acting!" I scoff.

Just as I finish, Rosario walks through the kitchen door, his face set cold as usual and he takes one glance at Alonzo before he speaks, "You're going to school, end of discussion."

Although I know this would have been the outcome regardless of Rosario involvement, I cant help but feel annoyed by the fact that he was allowed to interrupt our conversation, but the moment I get involved in his, I get chewed out. I let out an angry sigh, I know there is no use in arguing back with him. Rosario's words are law in this house - well to everyone except Rafael. He's always pissing on someone's mood.


Out of all the hours in a school day, understandably, my favourite time is lunch. It's the only time where my brain isn't trying to fall asleep. I'm not super dumb or anything, in fact I do relatively well in comparison to most students, I just find it tedious, the hours we have to wake up at and the hour we return from school, it's too long for my mind to stay engaged. But lunch makes it worthwhile - and the five minute gaps between each lesson.

I move to join the table where my friends were sat at, placing my bag on the ground beside me.

"Why are you late?" Sage asks, moving her chair closer to my own.

I reply, "The queue was long, all the year 7's got there first."

She snorts continuing to eat the sandwich in her hands. Sage was my oldest friend, and the person I basically trust most. In total there was four of us, me, Sage, Paris and Anisa. The four of us were not the kind of friends to hang out outside of school, honestly this group was formed out of convenience.

"Guys! Guys, looks at Sienna's hair. It looks so awful." Anisa whispers, as Sienna walks past our table.

Sage speaks up, "I think it looks cute, it's just a bit different."

mythomaniaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora