two - how much I hate you

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This week had been going terribly slow, and it was only Wednesday. I had barely seen Rafael and Rosario yesterday, and as usual Alonzo was the only person hanging around. Although even then, I had not talked to him as much. But today, he decided to join me on the sofa in the living room, as I mindlessly watch whatever show is playing on the screen.

Alonzo's arm reaches around my shoulder, "How's school going then?"

"Not bad." I mutter, not bothering to expand.

He brings me closer to him, "C'mon, tell me more, I need to take my mind of work."

I look up from the corner of my eye, "What happened at work."

"Rosario's having a power trip again," His jaw clenches slightly, "He's making decisions that I haven't fully agreed to."

I frown, I am shocked, partially because Rosario is the most level headed out of the four of us, and hearing this is out of character for him, but I am even more shocked about the fact that Alonzo even told me what was going on at work, before this, I could never pry information from either of them.

"Well, you remember my friend Anisa?" I ask, changing the subject, and in return he nods his head, "Well she's been so annoying for the past few days, well, she's always been annoying, but it's been more insufferable lately."

"What's she doing?" He asks with genuine curiosity.

I shift my positioning so that I am facing him, "To start off  with, she's been treating the group like shit, especially, Sage. I just don't understand why. She's been making so many offhand comments about everyone, and she's always putting people down."

I scrunch my eyebrows in the last sentence, realising how bad of a person she actually was, "Like the other day, she was complaining about how one of her old friends had an ugly house, like, you only bring friends to your house because you trust them, and you would like to think they won't judge you for the way you live and the circumstances you come from!"

The tips of Alonzo's lips turn downwards, "She doesn't seem like the kind of person you'd be friends with, you normally stick to nice people, this is the first time I've heard you talk bad about one of your friends."

I pout my lips, trying to recall when I actually first became friends with her, "Well she's in most of my classes, so it's no option to not be friends with her. I'm just happy that schools breaking up in a few weeks, so I won't have to see much of her in the holidays."

He hums in response, "I think you should stay away from her, but don't let it slide when she picks on Sage, she's one of your closest and most genuine friends."

"Yeah, my plan was to just zone out when she starts talking, but it's difficult when half the conversation is dictated by her."

Just as I finish my sentence, I feel the weight of the sofa dip from beside me. The scent of weed filters through my nose and instantly I understand who's made himself present. Rafael reaches for the remote and switches the channel.

"Hey, I was here first!" I groan, trying to grab the remote from his clutch.

He moves arms from out of my reach, "Too bad I don't care."

"I'll tell Rosario that you've been doing weed again, and guess who needs his car keys back?" I smirk, folding my arms as I watch him glare.

"You open that little mouth of yours and I'll actually murder you." He sneers, his jaw clenched.

Alonzo sighs from behind me, "Just give her the remote."

Rafael stays silent for a few beats, before throwing the remote across the room, "You always take her side, for everything! And you!" He turns his face to me, "You're such a waste of space, I don't know why they bother defending you, you're not worth half the effort."

mythomaniaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora