Chapter 1

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In the Serus Kingdom:

A butler came speeding down the castle's wide hallway. The prince overslept again and has to get ready for breakfast.

The man came upon the prince's door and knocked on it gently. All that was brought back to him was silence.

He then tried again but with a more stern knock. He heard a groan from the other side of the door but it didn't sound like the prince, more of a woman.

Since it's his job to look out for the prince, he takes the initiative to open the door without his permission, again.

He steadily placed his hand on the knob and twisted gently until it opened. The butler walked into his room and looked around. His eyes landed on the Prince's bed and sighed in slight annoyance.

There was a woman in his bed. Again.

The woman looked at him and glared. "Have you ever heard of knocking before?" She snapped.

The butler ignored her and walked to the curtains. The strange woman then looked at the Prince she slept beside and shook him softly. "Asta, it's time to wake up." She whispered in a seductive tone.

The butler opened the royal blue curtains, bringing light into the room. A blonde-haired male groans and then puts his cover over him.

"Your Majesty, you overslept again. This is the 8th time this month." The butler informed. He loved and hated his job. He loved the paycheck, but the Prince was a very difficult person.

"Don't talk to him so ordinary!" The random girl in his bed yelled. "He's the prince, so treat him with more respect."

The butler was going to say something back until the prince spoke. "Get out."

The woman pointed towards the door. "You heard him. Out the door, this this insist!" She commanded. Once again, the butler ignores her. What authority does she have to him?

"Not him." He started, in a sluggish voice. "You get out, you've been annoying me ever since we met yesterday."

The woman was shocked and hurt by his words. "But baby-" She tried to reason with him and put her hand on his arm. She believes it was love at first sight when they both met at the party he hosted. He quickly moves his arm away from her.

"Get out. I'm too tired for this." The prince groaned. The woman then huffed and grabbed her belongings and stormed off. The butler walked closer to the prince and coughed to gain his attention.

"Prince Asta, the King and Queen wanted you to eat downstairs in the dining room with them for breakfast, instead of your room like usual." The butler reported quickly. Asta finally got up and gave him a confused look.

"Do you know why?" He asked. Asta loves both of his parents but his dad is a strict person and his mother always baby him, which he hates. The butler shook his head no.

"My only order was to wake you up and let you know." He answered.

"Alright, I'll get ready." Asta stood up, walking towards his large walk-in closet but he stopped when his butler started talking again.

"My prince, if I may." He began. "You are now 21 years old, which means you should act more mature." The prince turned around to face him.

"I don't want to hear it. I already hear the same words from my father, I don't need you to be his echo." The prince groaned.

"My prince, all I'm going to say is that there shouldn't be a different girl in your bed every week." Asta sighed.

"You say that as if I have sex with them." Asta spoke before turning away to his closet, as he did before. "Tell my parents I'll be downstairs in 20 minutes." The prince closed the door for privacy, leaving only the butler in the room. If he's the future king then we're doomed.

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