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A young woman standing on her beautiful white patio, looking at her kingdom. The day was perfect; no clouds in the sky and flowers blooming all around the kingdom. You take a deep breath of the fresh air.

You then hear lots of commotion outside of her chamber. Faint sounds of butlers and maids running around the castle. Today is the day when your father comes back from a war that happened on the other side of the world.

To be honest, you were a daddy's girl. He would always let you do whatever you wanted and sometimes let you skip a class to have some father-daughter time. Since you hadn't seen him in over 4 months, you were thrilled to see him.

At the moment, you had on a long (f/c) floral dress that your father gave to you for your 18th birthday and had your hair in a low bun.

Getting out of your thoughts, you heard stomping which was coming towards the castle, growing louder and louder. Looking far into the green valley, you then saw the kingdom's army, holding the symbol of the castle. You knew your father had arrived.

Walking away from the patio, you stood in front of your large mirror making sure you looked presentable. You fixed your bun so that it was straight and fixed any jewelry that didn't look right.

"Your Highness!" A butler gently knocked on her door.

"Come in." You spoke. The butler then walked through the door and bowed in front of your presence.

"Good morning, as you know, your father is arriving soon. Your mother wanted me to tell you to dress nice for your father but clearly, you already got that covered." He calmly reported.

You rolled your eyes in annoyance. Yes, you loved her mother with all of your heart but she always wants you to be her exact copy.

Her mother was perfect. She always stood straight, always looked presentable, and speaks so formally to everyone but her family. "Of course she did...did she have anything else to say?" You asked.

"Yes. She also asked me to walk you downstairs into the dining room for you all to have breakfast together once the King arrives." He then pulled out his hand; which you gladly held on to and walked out.

Your castle was decorated beautifully. Glass chandeliers hanging above her as you walked, gold every inch of this castle. Your country Mereen was popular for gold, which made lots of people visit. You and the butler then made their way down the maroon rugged stairs.

When the two made it to the bottom, he led you towards the dining room, like he was told to do. You then saw your mother near the door.

"Good morning Mom." Your mother then looked at you and smiled. She's wearing an exquisite teal dress that stops a little bit above her ankles. Your mother was gorgeous, no wonder why my dad fell in love with her.

"Hi sweetie, you look absolutely beautiful." She complimented, walking towards you to give you a hug. You pulled away from the hug first. "Sweetie, you could've styled your hair, maybe in something a little less basic." She suggested. You knew your mother would say something about how you looked.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind." You shrugged it off. "Where's the twins?" You added. You only have 2 siblings, which are twin boys.

They always prank you and the workers in the castle. You love them but they are very annoying. You're a little bit jealous of them. They get all the freedom they want but you always had expectations and responsibilities.

Your mother then started to look around. "They were just here a second ago. Sir could you go look for the princes." She commanded the butler. He bowed and left their presence.

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