Chapter 37: Madara Uchiha

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Battle of Iwa, 422-

"My my Ishikawa. How brave of you, taking a hit for little Onoki." Smirked Madara as he looked over the First Tsuchikage, a wood spike in his shoulder, and a true look of fear on his face.

Behind him stood his grandson, Onoki. The child could only be described as terrified, his eyes wide and a clear surprise on his face.

"You-you can copy bloodlines with those vile eyes." Ground out Ishikawa, his back to his grandchild. "Hashirama should have killed you years ago."

"He tried." Replied Madara as he looked over the area. "I'm still bitter about that. However, I must admit, you are quite the capable shinobi. I was hoping you would come closer than he had. Why do you not use that famous dust release I've heard so much about."

"You treacherous fool, do you think I'm daft? If you were able to copy the wood release, then I doubt you couldn't simply use my own jutsu against me." Replied the Tsuchikage, his eyes narrowing. "No, I'll have to use the gift of the Uzumaki to deal with you."

"Well good, I'll be visiting them next then." Replied Madara as he activated the highest level of sharingan, his eyes morphing once again.

"Onoki, tell Mu that he is the last hope for our village. I was hoping I could watch over him for a few more years. Mu is the Tsuchikage, and you are not to be trained in the ways of the clan, but in the ways of the dust release. Onoki, one day, another person will appear in this very spot. That is one of the effects of this jutsu. Do not trust them easily." Commanded Ishikawa, his eyes narrowing. "I'll do what that fool hashirama couldn't! Fuinjutsu: Displacement of Time!"

-481, Naruto's world-

Madara awoke to find himself in the middle of a clearing, Iwa in the distance. His head throbbing, he tried to sit up, only for his stomach to lurch, forcing him to his back once again.

"What did that jutsu do to me? I feel weak, my body... I have no chakra left." Muttered Madara as he forced himself to his feet. As he took his first look around, he found that the area looked nothing like it had before. Instead of the weak, pitiful wall that had surrounded the village, there now stood large, imposing gates, anchored in a wall that rivaled the very gates of Konoha.

He gazed over the rest of the land, scarred from battles long passed. 'This Damage, this couldn't have happened recently.'

Madara, extremely low on chakra and physically sick, choose to leave before he was spotted. 'Something is very wrong. I believe that jutsu may have... no. No mere ninja can control time.'


A dark room, three ninja occupying it, fell completely silent as the oldest member stood. Red hair and purple eyes, staring at his two pawns. "The Madara from my time has arrived. Soon, we shall begin making the necessary moves."

"We are just going to let him run amuck?" Asked Madara, this world's Madara.

"We can kill him now." Replied Shisui, his sharingan flexing.

"Foolish boy, you know not the workings of my father's jutsu. You will obey my orders!"

-Konoha, three days later-

Five. Five faces on the Hokage monument. 'Hashirama. Tobirama. Then it appears the Sarutobi fielded a Hokage, little Hiruzen perhaps... the last two. Look like brothers... possibly father and son.'

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