Chapter 30: The Battle of Konoha Part 1

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"Soon the world will know pain. I Pain, will bring piece " stated the six paths as they hovered over the village. 'Under Me, this world will become one. Only through me can this broken world become one.'

The Deva path raised his right hand. "This world shatter. Shinra Tens-"

"Rasengan!" the Deva paths eyes were nearly torn from his head when his chest was ripped apart and torn from the rest of his body by the swirling ball of vicious compressed chakra.

'What! How did he get into the sky? How did he remain undetected! He's using wind chakra to offset the pull of gravity!' questioned Nagato as he watched from a distance as the Godaime hokage appeared five hundred feet in the air and defeated his deva path before he could flatten the village. 'Where are the salamanders? They were suppose to distract him while I burnt down the forest and the outer wall!'

Nagato looked down on the village from his elevated position, and his shock grew as he saw all five of the giant salamanders he had summoned revert into smoke, at each site stood a man, more specifically, the five clouds of smoke revealed Zabuza, Asuma, Gai, Kakashi and The final be he spotted both scared and enraged him.


Before he knew it, his combined vision started to disappear. He watched in anger as each path was destroyed. The animal and preta path were cut in half and basically detonated by the legendary splash sword. Then the Asura path was beheaded with a kick to the neck, followed by nakara path which fell to the still powered Rasengan before Naruto paused in the air and the Rasengan in his hand grew white and began screeching horribly, forcing Nagato himself to cringe in pain from the technique he could hear from almost a mile away.

"Consider yourself shit out of luck." stated the still hovering Naruto as the screeching noise from his Rasengan grew even worse. "I know exactly where you are, and so does Jiraiya. Rasenshuriken, Level Four!" The spinning ball of wind chakra grew four sets of rotating blades as the screeching reached a fever pitch and Naruto drew his arm back. "It's over!"

The Rasenshuriken left Naruto's hand and went through the the last path like a hot knife through butter before curving down and directly toward A still perfectly calm Nagato.

"So much power... I can't absorb that..." Mumbled Nagato as he jumped away with every ounce of speed he had, just barely knicking his side as one of the giant wind blades sniped his left rib cage.

'Nakara path.' Thought Nagato as his side began to heal. 'That attack... It's hard to heal the damage from it...'


Gaara frowned deeply as he looked over his village. He stood at the top of the Kazekage tower, to the south of him, levitating on a giant clay bird, was a Member of Akatsuki.

'Those damn bombs of his are a danger to my village and as long as he can move freely, he can attack from any angle. Where is his partner?'

"Come on out little Shukaku! Katsu!" Shouted the blonde bomber Deidara as he sent more of his creations towards high value targets, though he frowned when he witnessed the dessert itself reach up and block the explosions like they were insects. "Hmm, so he can control the very dessert that his village is made up of. I fine kage indeed... It's a waste of art to continue to attack his village, I'll just attack him, hn."

'As long as he doesn't send anything more powerful, he won't be able to damage the village. I need to kill him before he does... Naruto, are you fighting right now too?' Thought Gaara as he gathered sand beneath his feet and levitated high above the village. "If you continue to attack my village, you will die. Leave now Akatsuki, and never return."

Below The Beneathजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें