Chapter 34: Act One: Initiation

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Kitsuchi stood before the entrance to the meeting hall, a wide grin on his face as he greeted Mifune, the legendary swordsman who had stood toe to toe with the legendary Hanzo in his youth and walked away.

Mifune did not share his grin. He saw this whole act as pointless and foolish. They both knew that the 'winner' of this so called meeting was the side that made the other trip up first. Mifune did not approve of such politics. Onoki was a much better tactician, one of best of his generation, even greater than himself and on par with Hiruzen Sarutobi. Kitsuchi was much more like an intelligent bull in a China shop, pushing all the right buttons until something happened. "I cannot help but think that you are following in Muu's footsteps."

Kitsuchi was about to speak before he noticed that the Kiri contingency was the first to arrive. "So I see Kiri is too weak to bring two of their own shinobi, you needed to borrow one from the leaf."

To everyone's surprise, chojiro was the first to respond. "With all do respect Tsuchikage-Sama, the strength of an alliance is too lend the other members help in time of need. Also, Zabuza-Sama was originally a Kiri ninja."

"You dare speak to me you little shit? I should kill you here and now." Stated Kitsuchi.

"I wouldn't do that." Kitsuchi looked up to see gaara standing behind the Kiri ninja, his sand already hovering above the group. "As chojiro said, we are an alliance. Let us not forget what happened the last time Iwa crossed Suna."

"I see. So you too are here. You traitors betrayed the position of our forces to Konoha in the third war, something I'd like to repay you for. Now all we need is for A and whoever the Hokage sends." Stated Kitsuchi

"Ah, but we are already here!" Shouted a loud boisterous voice. Everyone turned to see none other than Jiraiya the sannin walking towards them, behind him were Two cloaked figures.

"Good to see you Jiraiya, though I must admit, I thought the Hokage himself would have come." Stated Mifune, having known Jiraiya for years. "I was looking forward to meeting young man. I would like to meet the one they call the Bijuu Killer."

"Good to see you as well Mifune, you look much better than Sensei did at your age." Stated Jiraiya good heartedly gaining a laugh from Mifune. "Naruto is recovering from defeating the leader of the little group were probably going to talk about today."

"I've seen less combat and hardships than Hiruzen did, but thank you for the complement." Stated Mifune with a smile. "Let us head into the chamber, I will let my samurai direct Raikage-dono to the meeting room when he arrives. It's too bad the lad won't be here. I hear he's quite the swordsman."

Jiraiya nods before looking to the cloaked figures behind him and nods. The two nod back and take off.

"What is that about?" Demanded Kitsuchi. "Planning on setting a trap Toad Sage?"

Jiraiya just smiled and waved the Tsuchikage off. "Don't worry, just a side mission. Mifune knows about it."

"Unwise to enter a room full of Kage level ninja without body guards." Stated Kitsuchi cockily. "Your status as a sannin means nothing here. I'd doubt you would be able to hold your own at your age."

"You shit your pants last time we met in battle, and both of my previous and current students could wipe your village off the map. I feel confident nothing will happen that I can't handle. After all, even in my age, I trained the strongest man on the planet." Stated Jiraiya as he moved past Kitsuchi, who could only growl in disgust. 'Just you wait Jiraiya, soon you and all of Konoha will burn.'

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