Chapter 7: The Great One

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"Well... This is... Different" stated Sarutobi as he watched one of his elite ninja, Kakashi Hatake, and a rather infamous rogue ninja, Zabuza Momochi, both reading the newest copy of his students newest book and giggling.

Naruto and a girl he did not know, there his forehead in their hands, slowly shaking their head.

Sasuke and Sakura both sweat dropped at the scene of their sensei and their "Prisoner".

"Naruto, please explain why there's a Kakashi clone with no shirt and a giant sword on his back in my office?" asked the aged Kage

"Well... The one that's giggling with no shirt is the former Mist turned Rogue ninja Zabuza Momochi. The girl next to me is Haku Momochi, Zabuza's adoptive Daughter. Though I don't know where Zabuza's shirt went... He had one when we got back to the village?" stated Naruto, trying to remember where he had lost it.

"Some crazy purple headed chick took my shirt when me and Kakashi bought this beautiful piece of literature" stated Zabuza holding the smut book up like a gift from god "Then she said something about snakes and dango and took off?"

"Anko" stated Sarutobi, Kakashi and Naruto, getting a raised eyebrow from the rest of the rooms occupants.

"Well, what are we to do? Zabuza is a rogue, so you could always join the Leaf, but you'd have to spend about a week with Ibiki..." Stated Sarutobi before turning to the young woman next to Naruto "You have no history with any village, so we could just implement you into our ranks, Naruto says you have a Kekkei genkai... So you might be forced into a marriage..."

"I place Haku under the protection of the Uzumaki clan. That is unless Teme wants to protect her under the Uchiha clan?" asked Naruto as he turned to his friend/rival and made a motion to accept. It was clear that Sasuke had an interest in the ice user, and Naruto thought that the Uchiha might even like her, which would be great if the Uchiha could get his mind off of his own problems once in awhile.

"I accept, as heir to the Uchiha clan, I place Haku Momochi under my clan's protection" stated Sasuke, with a light blush on his face and a blade at his throat, wait... Blade?

"You even think of touching her, I'll cut your balls off with this sword, and I'm very accurate!" threatened Zabuza as the room filled with killing intent.

"Well with that settled..." Sarutobi pulled two forms and handed them to the Momochi's. "Fill those out, swear loyalty and you're all set. Haku, you will take a placement test in 2 days. Zabuza, as I said before, you will be questioned" Stated Sarutobi

Zabuza nodded, fully understanding that was his 2nd chance.

"OK, Naruto, take Zabuza to Ibiki. Sasuke, set up Haku with a place to stay. Everyone meet at training ground 7 at 10 o'clock tomorrow. Haku, you may come as well, we're going to start some real training!" Kakashi with a sadistic eye smile and storm clouds hovering in the air.

"If that is all you are dismissed" Said the Hokage as he glared at his paperwork. Everyone but Kakashi, Zabuza and Naruto left. "How may I help you 3?"

"Jiji, I would like to go search the ruins of Uzushiogakure" stated Naruto in a somewhat pleasing voice.

"And why may I ask?" asked Sarutobi, though he knew it wasn't for some pointless reason.

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