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We reached the bonfire place it looked like those meetings held in villages at evening
And l could feel many envious eyes on me
The females here lack personal hegine
And l saw many unmated male's looking at me
Luka went to find a place less crowded and nice place to sit

Ok this is awkward envious eyes of females and hopeful eyes of male's

Luka found the perfect place and we both went to that place after we sat comfortably l decided to ask about this tribe
*In a soft voice*
"Luka can you tell me about this tribe and tribe leader"

"Well this tribe is known as the snow wolf tribe and this tribe has two leaders they are brothers the elder brother is jay
And the younger brother is Li shu
The leader jay is not bothered about the tribe at all the one who takes care of the tribe is the Li shu
Jay is always busy in pleasing his female and female cub on the other hand Li shu is caring and loving towards the tribe he is a good tribe leader "

Well way does your tribe has two leaders ?

Well it's a tradition of the snow wolf tribe that they should have two leaders if one died or is unwell the second leader can take care of the tribe

So jay is main tribe leader and Li shu is the second leader ?




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                            Li Shu

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                            Li Shu

Li shu :

Today we are gathered here to tell so important things that from to 3 week the  males who are going for the hunting trip have to go with Lin yi as there is only few weeks left for the winter to come.
And also the market is going to be held tomorrow and trades men are coming from the blue City.
Females who have less male's are requested to take more mates for protection. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

After all the information was given the males who were standing behind the leader began giving everyone meat and females got extra meat

The server male came to me and gave me two big silces of meat and gave fruits to Luka

They gave us raw meat 🍖 so Luka said that he will roast them for me

After he roasted the meat l asked him if he has his herbs he said he does and asked me whether l hurt

No l am not l am going make this meat more delicious

I took some Chilli, garlic and ginger and made into a paste and applied it on the roasted meat and roasted the meat a little bit.

After the meat cooled down a bit l took a bite heaven yum this tastes so good
I was about to feed Luka some meat (like giving food in the mouth with your hands) my hands were so close to his mouth, shit l forgot that he is a herbivore l was about to apologise but before I can. He ate the meat l was about to feed him

"Huh herbivore eat fruits and vegetables right?"l asked being shocked

"Well some of us herbivores can eat both for survival as in the winter season finding fruits are hard and we have to eat.Meat is only option left there are very few fruits which are eatable some are herbs which are eatable but medicines. So when you where making a paste out of medicine l was curious and when you gave a piece of meat it smelled so that I couldn't stop myself from eating it and it tastes amazing."

"If you can eat meat than why do you always eat fruits?"

"Well l don't like how it tastes and l prefer fruits , also l like to eat them while l have  the chance because once winter starts l may not be able to eat fruits and eat meat, but after the meat you made today l won't mind eating meat ."

A wolf gard then came to us and said to Luka that the leader Li shu wants to meet him . Luka told me to wait here and  he left to meet the leader. Well since l am far away from any one seeing me so l went inside my space to read book which l got as a reward.


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