She couldn't do it.

Start from the beginning

A new voice took hold and I whirled around to see one of the last people I expected to see on the street at this hour. 

The Priest... Father Kotomine was strolling towards us, smiling coldly, in such a way that it felt empty, as if he was just a walking void, impossible to empathize with, impossible to understand, a blot in this world. 

"You?" I said. 

"Mr. Parker." said Kotomine, nodding to me. "Well well.. A pleasure to see you.. in full costume no less. fighting Ms. Raven."

"Did she send you!?" snarled Rogue. "I don't NEED any help!"

"On the contrary, Norman wanted me to check in. I'll remind you that I am an Executioner of the Church, I am not under the exclusive authority of either parties. But as one who is invested in your victory in the Grail War, I will take advice and counsel from your alliance when necessary." said Kotomine as he strolled past me and Berserker to look down at Rogue. "Now lets see.."

Kotomine smirked at the silent Berserker. "Your mutant power.. is not something you've fully mastered using. When you used it to absorb Berserker's unique Spirit Origin, its safe to say it.. implanted a sense of Agency in Berserker. In other words, thanks to your power, he's been learning to overcome his Madness Enhancement. However.. this is a unique problem... We gave you this servant in this specific class so that you would command absolute loyalty from it without betrayal.  And you can see what happened when this one was given any agency.."

Kotomine looked back at me. "So we're presented with two options Rogue. Either.. you use a command spell to tell Berserker to kill Mr. Parker. Or..  you absorb Berserker's power and kill him yourself." 

Rogue narrowed her eyes.  "Fine... "

Rogue stepped forward and planted a hand on Berserker's leg, and her skin began to turn gray as she let out a furious gasp. 

"Anna-!" I began. 

"DON'T call me that.." Rogue growled. "NOBODY calls me that anymore.. I .. am ROGUE!!"

Rogue hurled forward.

My spider sense screamed..

But it was pointless. I was a turtle, and she was a peregrin falcon. 

Her hand slammed into my face and smashed me to the ground. 

The earth shook and rubble flew past my vision as one of my lenses on my mask shattered. I tasted blood in my mouth. 

"RAAAAHHHH!" Rogue screamed as she brought another fist down into my ribcage, and I felt the earth shatter around us.



My ribs shattered.

My arms broke just trying to pointlessly block her assault .

Without Saber around, I was just another Master who couldn't defend himself in a Grail War. 


Her face flashed before my eyes. 

If I died here..

Wouldn't that mean she'd disappear? 

Something lit up inside me as Rogue raised her fist to pound me again. 

"My... Command.. sp-.."

I began to speak but Rogue slammed a hand against my mouth and held it shut. 

"Wise.. if he gets a command spell and Saber is summoned while Berserker is in this state, that would be problamatic." said Kotomine. "However.. with Berserker's strength, a single blow should've ended it..  even Spider-Man's durability has limits..  finish it now. Stop holding back. Remember what I taught you.. daughter..   Though we kept the bombs out of this area to ensure his allies didn't come here, they will arrive soon.   What have I always said?"

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