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A/N: some English in this part may content grammatical errors and typos...if you didn't understand just kindly leave this chapter...

"did you really think that i will forgive you huh?! You jerk! How dare you to treat me like that?! First you kissed me Infront of the students without my consent and second you really tried to RAPE me?! The fuck LA! You're a psycho and also a great pretender, i thought you're different from other man's but your still the same of them! Fuck you and fuck your fucking horny dick!" I shout and i shout until my throat sore before i finally leave i gave LA the most hard and painful slap on his right cheek that left a red mark and a small bruise on the side of his lips...

Then i leave...
No one follow me...
So i feel relief...
I need a place to freshen up this messy mind...
And to vanish this pain inside my heart...

This time...i really need them






"Hi? Missed me? If you guys ask me if i missed you too, YES always...very much"

🥀Maximus Claro Ferez
Date of birth: March 01 1990
Date of death: November 07 2010

🥀Rhixianna Ford Ferez
Date of birth: January 09 1990
Date of death: March 05 2014

" I really missed the both of please guide me and always protect me, y'know what? Mom, dad... I meet three girls in my school they're my friends now they are funny and sweet always comport me and not judging me..." I said while caressing touching my mom and dad's grave

"I envy them...cause they're still have parents beside them..." I smile sadly " but I'm still glad that you're my handsome and hardworking father and beautiful and sweet mother and my previous when astrid always taking care of me like you mom, sometimes i thought she is you HAHA cause her accent"

"But sometimes she's like dad, always scolding me when I'm not taking care of my self HAHA but she's funny as well, she can make a random and corny jokes like your infamous jokes dad! And her cook's are very delicious! But still mom's cooks always the best!"

I storytell them about the ball happen...
When I'm waking up in the morning...
Telling some lame jokes...
When I'm doing some self defense...
When singing...
when i meet xander...
Astrid's weird mannerisms...
And some of my annoying professors.

I didn't mind to look on my wrist watch and just deside to leave cause it's getting dark

" guys? I'm leaving now, but i promise i will be back soon and i will brought you mom a slice of your favourite cake on red ribbon, and also a scented candles and bouquet...and father i will brought your favourite radio, let's listen to your favourite songs together with my guys... I'm leaving now I LOVE THE BOTH OF YOU" i said and start to leave while wiping those tears streaming down to my cheeks and slightly bow my head

But i stopped when i notice a pair of feet Infront of me so i immediately look in that person, and my shock it's...






Niomie...and roxy, angel behind her back

"Why are you guys doing here?" I ask then they're smile sweetly in me

"We're here to finally introduce ourselves in your parents, our aunt and uncle" they said in unison, and finally my smile crept into my face and smile even more wider when i saw they're bought some chips, drinks and bouquet of flowers and also a small speaker

"We're just want to chitchatting to your beloved parents, and finally meeting always our pleasure...just only for our beautiful friend!" Roxy happily said while clapping her hands like a children

"So where's auntie and uncle i want to meet them already!!! I guess they're also good looking like you EHE~" angel said while sulking Infront of roxy

I walk passed to them and finally back on my parents grave, when they're see my parents grave they're immediately took down their things and immediately bow 90° Infront of my parents grave, i was shock

After they bowed they are stood straight and talk in unison
"Hi auntie and uncle! We are rhian's friends your daughter's friends we're glad to finally meet the both of you! And we're also happy to finally introduce ourselves in you! We're promise to taking care of rhian and always support and treat her nicely like you two doing to her,  we are not allowing some guys to took your daughter's without your proper permission uncle, we are her side to guide and protect her no matter what happen... because we are best friends...and also a FAMILY, family never abused or hurt each member, family always love each other by protecting and taking them in good care... we're part of her FAMILY...and we're promise the both of you auntie and uncle that we are never ever treat your daughter as out of our family cause SHE'S NOW PART OF IT." I didn't realize I am already crying

Those words hardly hit me
By just hearing those words my heart flutter and suddenly the pain decrease...

"We're not just promising this on you and rhian, but we are also promising are words in all of the person's inside those graves, we are accepting your punishment if we didn't did are best to do are promises...but we didn't accept the fact that maybe one day rhian hate me" they added and i shook my head

" So auntie uncle, and all the person's in they're graves,me niomie de villa, angela demonica alcantara, roxy rafaélla porché, will promised and curving our own promises in your both graves that we are never ever broke our promise! No one can hurt and manipulate her, to lives and to death rhian our friend also a sister will be in our heart forever"

And last before they finally finish they're promises they open the small can of paint colored white for peace, blue for genuinely sincere, orange for happiness and lastly red for loved and freedom

We put our hands on colored Paint's and printed our own colored palm mark on the top of my parents grave,

Palm marks on top of rhian's parents grave
Niomie: orange 🖐🏻🧡
Roxy: white ✋🏻♡
Angel: blue🖐🏻💙
Rhian: red🖐🏻❤️

After that we are sit on the soft grass besides my parents grave and chitchatting each other when the cold breeze of air passed through are bodies and we realized...we chuckled sweetly and continue our conversations

"We missed you too rhian" i hope they're visit on my dream this night and say those words in me

The Words Behind Your Cold Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن