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A few months later...

Arthit was having a wonderful dream, he was in a play room and he was being eaten out. It felt so real that-wait a minute, he opened his eyes and looked back to see Kongpob eat him out. He moaned and pushed back on his face earning a slap on the ass from him, he knew it meant not to move.

"Master, if Type finds you in here...oh fuck...he'll kill us both." He said as Kongpob rimmed his hole.

"I'm not afraid of Type and I'll protect if he tries any." He said before thrusting his tongue into his ass making Arthit slam a hand over his mouth. They were in their bedroom but he wasn't sure if Type was a deep sleeper or not. He bit his hand to hide his moans.

"He just planned our wedding and one thing he asked for was to not see each other before the wedding." He said.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked slipping three lubed up fingers into him making him moan again.

"Fuck no" he said making Kongpob smile.

"Just don't keep me awake all night cause I don't want to be tired on our wedding day tomorrow.

"Yes baby boy" he said before he slipped his fingers out of him and fucked him.

The next day, Arthit was fixing his tie when Type knocked on the door.

"Come in" he said before the door open and he heard a sniff. Fuck.

"Did you have sex last night?!?!" Type said sounding angry.

"Nope" he lied. He grabbed his suit jacket before slipping it on.

"Don't lie to me!!" He yelled. "I asked you guys for one thing and it was for you to not have sex for one night. I swear you guys are worse than Tin and Can."

"I literally don't know what you are talking about. Kongpob wasn't here but I did masterbate." He said before moving passed him to leave the room.

"You are such a liar Arthit Rojnapat!!"

"I'm offended that you won't believe me." He said as they left the apartment. He smiled as Type went on a rant about how he doesn't ask for much, he wasn't listening since he was too busy staring at how cute his daughter was in her flower girl dress. He reached the bottom of the stairs and knelt down to her level.

"You look beautiful princess" he said.

"Thanks Papa" she said. The transition from brother to Papa was easy for them. While Stella was gone she had stayed with this couple that treated her well and acted like she was apart of the family but Stella didn't feel like she belonged. She realized she had parents and wanted them instead, that was okay with Kongpob and Arthit since they already thought of her as a daughter.

"It's time" Type said. Stella smiled and turned before turning and heading into the dining room.

"You nervous?" Type asked.

"Nope" he said making Type smile. He had never be less nervous than he was right now. He had been waiting for this moment since he finally let Kongpob into his heart. Arthit watched from the window as first Type then Stella walked down the aisle, Stella dropped rose petals everywhere. It was his turn now. He walked out of the house and smiled when his eyes locked on Kongpob's. He walked down the aisle and joined him at the altar. They asked Type to marry them and he of course said yes. Team was his best man and Win is Kongpob's.

"We are gathered here today to witness the joining of two guys truly in love." Type said. "Kongpob and Arthit are two people who despite being through so much stuff chose to stand here today in front of our family and pledge their lives to each other. Now, Kongpob and Arthit have written vows that they would like to share to everyone."

"Do you want to go first?" Arthit asked.

"You first"

"Okay, Kongpob, when I was younger I never wanted to have kids or get married. I thought I would live life and do what I want but then I became a parent and I met you and everything changed. Now I look back on that time and think how utterly lonely that life would have been. Now I get to live my life full of love and happiness and that's because of you." He said. Kongpob fought back tears and took a deep breath.

"Arthit, you and Stella are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I couldn't imagine a world without you and her with me. So from now on I'm going to spend every moment trying to show you how happy you make me and how excited I am that we get to live our lives together. I will love you forever."

"Same here" Arthit responded. They then exchanged rings before Type cleared his throat.

"Do you Arthit Rojnapat take Prince Kongpob Suthiluck to be your husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, from this day forward?" Type asked.

"I do" Arthit smiled.

"And do you-"

"I do" Kongpob said making everyone laugh.

"Can I please finish my speech before you say I do?" Type asked.

"If you must but my answer will be the same." Kongpob said.

"You know what screw it, by the power vested in me as King of the Demons, I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss him now you impatient fool." Type said making everyone laugh. Kongpob cupped Arthit's face and kissed him as everyone was still laughing.

"Love you" Arthit said once they pulled back.

"Love you too" he said. And they would continue to love each other for the rest of their lives.

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