Chapter Six

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Kongpob liked to think he wasn't the type to listen in on people's conversations minus the time he accidentally listened in on Type and Team's conversation that one time. He thought he was better than that until his mate showed up and changed everything. He was slowly becoming the type of guy who broke limitations and now listened in on people's private conversations.

He was currently listening to Arthit talk to the boys about their ages. He had heard Arthit say that yes he was a submissive and that he kind of liked to be dominated outside of bed too. It made him jealous that his mate had slept with other people but it made him feel better knowing he was the last guy Arthit would ever sleep with.

He listened when the boys hesitated to tell Arthit the ages of the demon princes and was relieved that he didn't have a problem with it. They were currently talking about college, he was surprised to learn that his mate was taking online classes to be an engineer. Type told Arthit that he was in second year of online college and was studying to become a literature teacher to teach the kids so they have a good education.

He listened to Team talk about how he changed what he originally was going to study since he couldn't go out into the world and be an archeologist which he didn't mind changing. Instead he was a third year student studying history, all types of world history including Thai history. Can was only one year into studying to be a physical education teacher since he loved to play sports and knew it would make him happy to teach their kids to do the same. Someone touching his shoulder made him jump before he looked up at Win.

"You know if they find out you are listening to them they'll kill you."

"I know but I just wanted to know more about him and I have a feeling he won't tell me anything."

"Give him time to warm up to you, show him the side of you that we see every day." Win said as he set the table.

"Here, I'll help since your mate is comforting mine." He said before helping Win set the table.

"Why didn't you tell us you were a dominant?" He asked.

"Because unlike all the other mated couples including you and Team I like to keep my sex life private."

"You could have told me I thought we were closer than that."

"You are only mad cause I could have shared my insight on things you could do to Team in the bedroom." He said. "And that wasn't and isn't going to happen."

"You are just selfish, not sharing your knowledge is an act of betrayal and I'm deeply hurt." Win said putting on a hurt look. Kongpob rolled his eyes and finished putting food on the table.

"The things I know, Team would say hell no to." He said before yelling to everyone with super hearing that dinner was ready before he headed to get Stella. Once everyone was seated they began to eat, Kongpob kept secretly glancing at Arthit who refused to look at him and everyone could feel the tension in the air.

"Is it always this quiet?" Stella asked.

"Stella, just eat your food" Arthit said. Stella pouted but did as she was told.

"She's right it is too quiet because these two are making everyone uncomfortable." Pick said.

"Pick...shut up" Kongpob said.

"Why, so we can all sit around the table and wonder if we say something will it trigger his panic attacks or your rage." Pick said.

"If I'm bothering you so much then just let us leave and you won't have to see us again." He said standing and leaving the room.

"You really had to open your big mouth, Pick" Kong stood and went after Arthit. He caught up to him as he was climbing the stairs to the first landing. He followed him and stopped him as he reached the landing that lead to their apartment.

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