chapter 1

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*Zayn POV*

I fuckin can't be pregnant I'm a guy.
"Sorry Mr.malik you are."How can I be pregnant? "It looks like you have female parts inside of you which is called hermaphradite it is a very rare condition for males to have. But can happen, I already had some male patients with the same situation and its absolutely fine."

I'll be right back I'm going to go get your ultrasound. She walked out of the room and let me in the room thinking.

Ok how in the world can I be pregnant?!? I got a living child inside of me and not just a child mine and Louis child. Gosh how am I going to tell Louis I'm pregnant with are kid.
I stopped thinking when I heard a door open and saw it was Mrs.Hazel.

There you go sweetie now your going to need to come back in 1 month so I can check I child Mrs.Hazel said to me while handing me the ultrasound.

Thank you Mrs.Hazel. Anytime zayn that's why I'm here aren't I. Haha yea.

I put the ultrasound in my back pocket so I could remember to show Louis when I get to are flat.


Lou I'm back! I'm in the kitchen he replied back. Hey babe what did the doctor say? Um actually can we talk in the living room. Yes we can.

We both sat on the sofa and I didn't know how to start this so I just took out the ultrasound from my back pocket and handed it to him.

Zayn... are you pregnant? Yes now if you want to leave you can do it right now. What I'm not leaving you because your pregnant. But how are you pregnant your a guy. Well I just found out at the doctors that I have
hermaphradite and that is a male has parts of a female.

Wait so your saying you have female parts inside of you so you can get pregnant because of that? Exactly. Omg zayn were going to be fathers I can't believe it! Me too I'm excited but then I'm not.

I'm going to be by your side all the time and I don't care what you say I'm going to be by your side 24/7 I promise. Promise? Yep I promise.

We layed back on the sofa cuddling in silence but Louis broke it. Are we going to tell the guys. We have to eventually but I don't know about it yet yea they know we are dating and all that stuff but them knowing I'm pregnant. we can tell them when we talk with are parents. Yea that's fine when ever you want I don't want to rush you.

We kept on cuddling on the sofa while he was humming me a song I felt my eyes drooling. And I couldnt keep it anymore I had fallen to a nice deep peace sleep with my boyfriend.


I woke because I got nauseous and I rushed up and got to the toliet right in time before I started to vomit. I heard running footsteps coming upstairs and I knew it was Louis. "Babe you alright need any water?" Yes please water would be fine.

I got up and got to the sink and brushed my teeth so it didnt smell like vomit. Louis came back with a glass of water in one hand and a apple in the other. Her you go baby I got you a glass of water and a fresh new apple.
Thank you babe you are the best.

The best has the best and is going to have the best family. With those words coming out of louis mouth made me have a huge smile across my face.

You know I can tell your going to spoil this baby. Yup he said popping the p out.

Let's go down stairs so I can make my family breakfast. I love you louis even if I'm 4 weeks your acting like this baby is already out. Eh that's a over protected father and boyfriend.

"Louis I love you so much. Zayn I love you so much too." You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and this baby is going to be the best thing too.

What gender do you want it to be? Louis asked me. I would like a girl. What about you. Um I'd go for a boy but I really don't care because I'll spoil both girl and boy.

We both finished are breakfast and went upstairs. We got out some close to change into. I was trying to put my shirt on but when I felt lips on my neck that's when I dropped the shirt and turned around to face louis.

When I turned around louis connected our lips. He licked my bottom lip and I let him enter my mouth. He pushed me on to the bed and he was on top of me but started to kiss me on my neck again. He then sucked on it with pressure this time he made me moan out loud. He then stopped and started kissing me on my check bone and going down my bare chest until he got to my pants.
He then unbotton my pants and pulled them off leaving me with just my boxers on.

Louis then got on top of me and started to suck on my neck again and made me moan.

"Fuck, lou why do you give me so much pressure? Because I want you to know that i want to be yours and only yours and that I love you so much."

We got finished with our make out session and stayed in are bed for quit some time. Then we both took a shower. When we got finished we ringed up the lads and invited them over.

All three of them said sure. Me and lou both picked out a movie for all 5 of us to watch and we picked out a movie called "the conjuring" which looked like a epic movie.

15 minutes we heard the first doorbell and we saw all 3 of our best lads standing there. "Come in guys we just picked out a movie and lou is getting the popcorn." I think I'll go help out lou with the drinks niall said rushing over to the kitchen.

3 minutes later lou came out with the bowl of popcorn and niall came out with 5 beers and 5 waters. Here zayn take a beer. Sure I'll take one, when I took a sip out of the beer louis yelled at me.

Zayn you can't have beer! Shit I forgot! Um I'll take a water instead. Um ok then niall said suspiciously.

So what are we watching liam said while staring at zayn suspicious. Um where watching "the conjuring" and liam stop stairing at zayn suspiciously please. Um I wasn't I was staring at your tattoo.

Sure you were Payne. I was lou. Can you guys shut up the movie is starting
Harry said which I forgot he was even here.

We were at the middle of the movie when I heard all the guys ask if they could stay the night which we said was fine. "Lou I think I'm going to bed I'm kinda tired. Do you want me go with you?" Naw its fine you can stay down here with the lads. Ok babe I love you sweet dreams. I love you too, night guys I'll see you in the morning. Night zayn don't let the bed bugs bit. Haha funny funny nialler.

I went up the stairs and to our bedroom and layed on our bed and checked my twitter. I got 2659 new followers, more then yesterday. I turned off my phone and took off my pants and left myself in boxers. I then layed in the bed again and took a nice deep sleep thinking of my beautiful boyfriend and this child that I'm going to have.


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