Chapter 11 - Sunset's Confession

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While the others seemed to be sleeping peacefully, Sunset could barely sleep, let alone close her eyes. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't force herself to go to sleep. That was due to the worrisome things that had occurred yesterday.

Magic had been stolen, and the portal is now gone, and on top of that, she still doesn't know how it completely works.

She held her hand up at the sky and stared it for a while, "Why can't I future it out," she wondered, "I wish you were here, Twilight..."

She then sat up and looked around. Everyone was asleep and snoring loudly, but strangely enough, Deku, who slept right beside her, wrapped up like a burrito in his large blanket, was snoring the loudest.
Jeez... and I thought Bakugo was loud. She thought. Ha! Even so, he still looks very cute wrapped up like that!

She then took one more look around the room before standing up. "Maybe a snack will help me sleep." She whispered to herself.

Sunset then began tip-toeing her way past her friends, who slept peacefully on the floor and into the kitchen. She then went over to Pinkie's cabinet in search of a snack. Hope Pinkie doesn't mind. She thought

There were cupcakes
"Jeez, Pinkie, now I know where you store all of your cupcakes!" Sunset said with a smirk, grabbing a chocolate bar out of the cabinet, "Hope she doesn't mind if I grab this."

Sunset licked her lips and put her fingers to the end of the wrapper, ready to open it.
That's when a familiar, tired voice came from behind her, "Sunset?"

She instinctively turned around and saw a tired Ochako Uraraka standing at the doorway to the kitchen, leaning on the wall. "Is that you?" She asked, yawning.

"O-ochako! Hey!" Sunset waved with a nervous smile, hiding the chocolate bar behind her back. "What are you doing up so late?"

"I should be asking the same for you," Uraraka replied, yawning once more, "I just woke up and felt a sudden urge to use the bathroom... what about you?"

"Oh, nothing, just getting a little snack to help me sleep." Sunset answered.

Uraraka leaned over to see what Sunset was hiding behind her back.

"It's a chocolate bar," Sunset answered, showing Uraraka the chocolate bar, "Weird choice, I know, but It'll do. Anyways, sorry if I disturbed you or anything, I'll just be... heading back to bed now..."

"Oh, don't worry, it's fine! You didn't disturb me at all..." Uraraka said as Sunset began to walk away. As she watched Sunset walk past her, her mouth was quivering to talk to her about something. However, she felt as if what she was going to say felt petty. Sunset was now a friend to her, asking her about Deku would just seem petty.
And yet, she really wanted to get it off of her chest.

So, with a deep breath, she called Sunsets' name and asked her to sit down at the table. Sunset raised an eyebrow, but reluctantly agreed and sat down at the opposite end at the table. Upon sitting down, an akward silence filled the air, and tension crackled between the two.

Ochako muttered something and twiddled her fingers. Sunset couldn't here exactly what she said, but she did here Deku's name being muttered.

A few seconds passed, and silence still weavered. Uraraka was conflicted on whether she could ask this question or not, or if it was necessary, but her heart screamed at her to just ask the question. Uraraka blushed and hung her head low, murmuring once more.

"Um... Ochako?"

"Y-yes?!" Ochako jolted her head up.

"If there's anything you want to get off your chest, you could always say it... I won't judge you..." Sunset said.

"Are you.. sure?" Asked Uraraka, her voice stammering.

Sunset nodded, and Uraraka took a long, deep breath.. then... the question came...
"Deku... what do you think of him?"

That question IMMEDIATELY made Sunset look down and blush insanely hard, and with that, Uraraka was quick to assume the worst.
But, she still gave her the benefit of the doubt.
"Something wrong, Sunset?" She asked.

"Oh, no! It's nothing! It's just... it's complicated..." Sunset replied, now twiddling her fingers.

"What do you mean by 'complicated'?" Asked Uraraka, slightly raising her voice.

"Well... if I tell you, will you promise to tell no one else?" Sunset Shimmer asked, putting on a nervous smile.

"Sure." Agreed Uraraka.

"Okay," Sunset took a deep breath, "Ever since the first sleepover here, I've began to... you know, take a real liking to him." She played with her hair while smiling

"His determination somewhat adorable passion to be a hero was so attractive to me... that, and his adorable little face... he reminds me somewhat of another friend who helped me once...
In fact, after I screwed up at the battles of the bands, I was feeling down... like I hadn't changed since the incident that had happened at the fall formal... and with what the hurtful stuff the crowd was saying to me, I truly felt that...
But... in that moment of darkness, Midoriya said to me that... I had changed... that I was 'good person'...
That was what I needed to hear,"

Sunset put both of her hands to her heart, "and in that moment, it made me feel... special..."

"Oh." Uraraka hung her head low

"I guess, what I'm trying to say is that... he's very special to me... no... not that,"

Sunset stammered for a moment, her pupils shining bright with passion and warmth..
Then came the statement that Uraraka both dreaded and expected to here:

"I... Love Him..."

"Oh, okay..."

Uraraka clenched her fists. "Well, I'm glad you feel that way," she said, obviously bitter.

Sunset was quick to notice the rather bitter tone in her voice, and Deku eventually slipped from her mind. "Is... something wrong?"

Uraraka blushed, even harder this time, and looked up at Sunset with puffy eyes. "Not exactly, but,"
She put her hands over her heart, and her pupils glowed as bright as Sunsets', "He's... special to me too..."

"What do you mean-oh..." Sunset's eyes had widened upon realizing what ochako had meant, and hung her head low. It was then when another, long wave of silence filled the room.

To Be Continued

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