Pretty boy pt2

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It had been around a week since feelings were expressed, you both got home safe. Rick showed his concern for both of you but once you had assured him of your good health he let both of you go.

You haven't seen much of Daryl since. You'd seen him walk along the side walk and you'd go to wave every time but he'd go red and look away like he didn't see you. He was ignoring you.

Currently, you were sat on a stool at the kitchen island when Daryl walked through the front door of the house that you, Carol and Daryl shared. As soon as he walked in and spotted you, you caught how he froze. Anyone else woulda missed it but you didn't. His shoulders stiffened slightly as he cleared his throat and walked past you with his head tilted down as he headed to his own room.

You watched him go and you heard him shut his door.

After a while, your nosiness got the best of you so you made your way to his bedroom door and knocked two times.


You heard something drop and he cleared his throat again.


"May I come in?"

"If you must" he grunted.

You felt you must so you did, despite feeling pain in your chest from his harsh tone. You opened the door, stepped in, then closed the door but didn't make any further advances, staying close to the door.

You could tell by the way he had spoke that he wasn't planning on making you feel welcome and you wondered why. Just last week he admitted that he had feelings for you so what happened?

"What d'ya need?"

He picked up his cross bow, which was on the floor, you assumed that's what you had heard dropping previously. He was fiddling with the string but you didn't know much about bow stuff so you didn't bother trying.

"Nothin', just... you've been ignoring me?"

You wanted it to be a statement but your uneasiness made it into a question, so you tried again.

"You have been ignoring me."

Daryl scoffed and shook his head a little as a small smirk appeared.

"What's funny?" You asked, actually wanting an answer.

"Nothin' girl... ain't ignoring ya, m'just busy"

You stayed quiet for a second, you had so many questions for him but you knew you wouldn't get any honest answers right now, he was being way too guarded.

You looked him over, he'd been hunting, you assumed this from the pieces of dried autumn leaves in his messy hair.

Then you got an idea.

"Can I fix your hair?"

He looked up at you with a scowl.

"Can fix ma own hair..."

"You never do though"

"Ain't no reason ta, just gets messy again the next day"

You giggled quietly.

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard you say... please let me? It will feel nice... plus you're supposed to have a crush on me, remember?" You replied, hoping he wouldn't take your teasing the wrong way.

He stared at you for a second and you could see the moment he gave in.


You didn't waste any time, getting on your knees behind him on his bed, which he was sitting on the edge of.

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