Chapter 9 - deathly times

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck happened blitz!? Why is he like that!? Y-you need to do something!" Loona trembled, just as scared as the others.

"Well I don't know what to do!! I just.. I just found him like this." He cried out, shaking his body more and more not giving up.

For a moment Blitzø's hands stopped clenching after Stolas and leant down to his mouths, listening carefully he couldn't hear a single thing. Not a single breathe escaped Stolas mouth.

The desperation to wake Stolas up was even larger than ever now. Blitzø started frantically shaking, grabbing, and yelling as he tried to get Stolas to start breathing. He felt nothing but fear and panic as everything he did seemed to fall short. Stolas body was still and unresponsive, the harder he started shake him, the more he didn't realize it came to a point were he ended up hurting Stolas, but it didn't  seem to be working at all.

It had been minutes since stolas stopped breathing, and with that Blitzø becoming desperate and distraught at the situation. He continued to shake Stolas and let out a reaching scream, hoping for any sign of life.

Via was completely frozen, paralyzed and crippled by the tense situation. Loona kept watching blitzø's desperate attempt of shaking Stolas, almost to the point where he was hurting him. "Hey hey! Stop that" she clenched Blitzø away from him. "We-we need to do something okey!" She spoke strictly to him, trying to get him to snap out of it.

"I don't fucking know loonie!" Blitzø yelled out on her, "he needs a fucking- hospital.. FUCK WE NEED TO TAKE HIM BACK TO HELL!" Loonas eyes widened whilst shaking Blitzø.

Blitzø's pupils narrowed, back to hell? He had almost forgotten that they had stayed in the human world for far overdue now. What had it been... a day.. a week? He had completely lost track of time, but it was also a comforting feeling being stuck there. And the realization that they had to return was unreal. Despite all the occurs and feelings split, he found himself at comfort and as scared as he was. He felt closer to Stolas. But that was all about to come to an end now if they didn't return back to hell. To the state Stolas was in, there was no way a human hospital would suffice.

Yet he knew it he still asked in denial, "eh-no- why he..", he stuttered.

Loona with the urge of panic and rage yelled back at Blitzø, as there was no question. They were going back to hell. "DAMN IT BLITZ! He's dying ! He needs a fucking HOSPITAL, where they treat Royal fucking demons !".

Completely distracted by what Loona and via was doing, Blitzø kept starring at Stolas body. The life in him slowly fading out every minute.

Blitzø flinched as Loona grabbed Blitzø's arm whilst holding the grimoire, "Take a hold around Stolas ! We're leaving this shit hole right fucking now.". She said precisely and began casting a portal spell once Blitzø had a hold around Stolas.

Before they even knew it they were back in hell, but now they found them self outside a hospital in the sloth ring.

Despite Blitzø's earlier state caused by the hangover, he still managed to pick up Stolas and carry him all the way into the reception followed by Loona and via. He was filled with determination by every step he too. Glancing down at Stolas from the bottom of his eyes. He looked sicker than ever, literally at the state of dying.

He entered the reception and stubbornly walked all the way to the counter. "Hey— hey you! Fucking... fuck face receptionist! We need HELP here!" Blitzø's yelled out to the lazy woman behind the counter. Seeing as the ring was called the sloth ring, every citizen there behaved like sloths.

"What?" The receptionist peeked up from her computer, glancing down at Blitzø carrying a very much dying Stolas.

"Well come on lady! You know this is one of the Goetia fucking princes! AND he's dying!" Loona had her temper topped and couldn't be bothered to listen to a slow and careless receptionist.

The woman behind the counter quickly realized that it was Stolas and grabbed her phone by the desk. She rang someone and seconds later the whole reception was crowed with nurses, doctors and guards.

Blitzø felt himself crowded and Stolas was no longer in his arms, a wave of both people and a stining headache knocked him onto the floor.

The crowd of doctors and nurses disappeared with Stolas and Blitzø, Loona And via was left behind.

Blitzø tried to get back up and realized that Stolas was taken away. He tried his hardest but the room kept on spinning as he felt the feeling of his headache returning with dizziness and nausea. His stomach was starting to construct and he felt his body wanting to expel its contents as he tried to hold it down. "Ugh fuck... where did? Stolas..?" He mumbled out.

Both loona and via turned their attention back to Blitzø, "you alright there?" She asked in a quiet tone.

Blitzø tried to respond but was weakened by his state. With a pounding headache and shaky body he tried to stand up again but the room contained to spin and the nausea in his body grew. "Fuck..." he said lastly before his body knocked him onto the floor. He collapsed into the floor and let out a violent bout of vomit.

Loona and Via took a step back with disgust, "fuck ew! Blitz!" Loona yelled out glancing down at Blitzø. Her look softened but grew with concern as Blitzø was clearly sickly.

"Hey doctors ! You better take him to a room as well!" She yelled after a doctor who came and carried Blitzø up.

His doubled vision caught up with him and he realized he was being dragged away, "wha- don't, let go.." he grunted and mumbled out. He caught glance of the one room the doctor pulled him past.

The door was wide open and the room was surrounded with doctors and nurses panicking, Blitzø narrowed his eyes as one of the doctors moved away. And Stolas came to sight laying on a hospital bed. "Wait.. no no , S-Stolas.." he mumbled out louder trying with his numb body to shake out of the doctors grip. But his vision faded with a pitching noise overtaking his head. One last desperation he reached out his hand before his consciousness faded to black.

I feel this is about to get really exciting 🤭 I won't leave y'all on this cliffhanger for long now... stay tuned

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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