Chapter 9 - deathly times

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The sun's rays pierced through the window, shining right into Blitzø's squinted eyes. His faint body turned around with a groan before his consciousness slowly came back from a hard last night. The hints of a headache hit his head, as an aftereffect.

His eyes felt dull and tired, his face felt like a patch of clay, his mouth was as dry as a desert like he hadn't had a sip of water in an eternity. The perfect recipe for a hangover.

Blitzø felt incredibly dizzy and his head kept spinning like a carousel, making it difficult just to sit up in bed as he tried. He tried his hardest to remember what exactly occurred the night before, but there's a distinct feeling that it wasn't a pleasant one at all. Something went wrong. "Wha- ngh, I can't fucking.." he mumbled. There were pieces.. slight blurred visions. But the pieces wouldn't fit together.

His head continued to throb with the pain, he came to realize that last night was definitely something seeing as he hadn't had a hangover like this in a long time.

Holding one hand in-front of his right eye with the other slightly squinted, he turned to look around. His vision was still adjusting, everything was so hazy.

The closest he could see was the other side of the bed, a bunch of dried puke was laying next to him. "Eeuh", he flinched in disgust. But a slight wave of concern overtook his severe headache.

Stolas was neither in the bed or by it. Blitzø slowly placed his legs onto the ground with the gravity of his headache pressing down on his head.

It wasn't until he lifted his head and blinked that he came to realize the body laying on the bathroom floor.

His eyes widened and his heart instantly dropped to his stomach. Standing up too fast made his wobbling legs trip and within a split second his body met the floor. But the fear and concern gripped him and he kept on moving to the bathroom with all he had. Ignoring his burning headache. "Fuck fuck fuck... Nono !" He breathed.

He quickly got to Stolas body and instantly noticed... black blood on the sink and on the floors. Blitzø began to hyperventilate with shock of the discovery. Quickly he checked Stolas body, slightly tapping up his torso until he reached his head. Bending down to his blood stained mouth.

Very slight and weak breathes was the only thing. "Hey hey! Stolas ! Helloo wake the FUCK up you idiot!" He yelled with tears forming in his eyes. His shaking hands tried to shake Stolas awake but it was to no use, he was complete out of consciousness.

Looking down at his pale sickly face his eyes teared up even more, but also a burning sensation of anger hit him as he wasn't responding. "God damn it Stolas! Wake up..!" He kept on yelling, angrier.

A few moments of silence, desperately waiting for anything. A word, a flinch, any sign that he was alive or could hear him. But the realization hit Blitzø and he rushed out the door, practically breaking it open just to run into the other door across their room.

"AGH WHAT THE FUCK-" Loona yelled out with wide eyes staring at the disturbed Blitzø. It took both Via and Loona a moment before a realization washed over them. "Blitz?" Loona almost whispered calmly at him.

"G-g-get the fuck in.... it's.. Stolas he.." Blitzø breathed out between cries and hyperventilation. He excepted them to follow as he leapt back into the room.

He instantly dropped to the floor next to Stolas body, still in denial trying to shake his body awake. Loona and Via entered the room and saw the circumstances.

Via covered her mouth and her eyes instantly teared up with the sight of her father passed out on the floor surrounded by patches of blood. She muttered out a few unheard words due to the crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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