Chapter 6 - grimoire back to its owner

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WOW it's been a long time since I've published, hehe sorry for that. I'd like to say that me publishing these chapters are like Hellavu boss episodes. Sometimes there's a really short time gap between releasing episode, and sometimes it takes several months.

But anyways I hope y'all are having a good summer and you should really be looking forward to chapter 7 and 8. They are gonna be, well intensive.

Stolas was about to wake up, when he half asleep turned to the side to lay next to Blitzø. He couldn't find the little imps body. "Blitz..?"

*he squinted his eyes and looked around their messy hotel room. Even thought they have had no 'full moons sex' yet, the room was still a hell of a mess.

And amongst the mess a grumpy little imp popped up, all dressed. "alright, I thought we'd go get your fucking book now"

Stolas looked confused and flattered at Blitzø , it was nice that he helped him with all this. But he just couldn't let go of the thought that Blitzø only helped him finding the book so he could get back home as fast as possible, to not have to share every moment with him.

Stolas kept quiet and didn't say anything, Blitzø found all the silence awkward and spoke up "Stols are you listening? WE are going to get your fucking book alright, and we'll go back to hell".

Stolas let out a slight groan and covered his face with his slim hands, letting out a few sniffs. He hated that blitz has to see him like this. But after yesterday he couldn't help it.

Blitzø's brows pulled together in concern as he asked him in a soft tone, "wha, Stolas what's wrong?"

Stolas sniffed once more and breathed "forgive me for, getting all emotional heh... it is just the thought of what happened with Via yesterday, it won't leave me mind" he wiped his tears and glanced over at blitz, he seemed surprised by Stolas breaking out like this.

"Stolas listen, she'll get over it.. what is she now like 17, its just teenage stuff." He said in a nervous tone, trying to not seem too soft, but still showing Stolas that he cared.

"You really think so blitz?" His voice turned raspy, as he sad smiled up at the little imp standing in front of the bed.

"Yea I do, she will forgive you and you'll have your happy relationship again bla bla" blitz said in a slight jealous tone. Stolas and Octavias relationship always seemed so lovely compared to his with Loona. And Octavia was Stolas biological daughter, something blitz could never have.

Before he started fading into the thought he shook his head and threw Stolas clothes onto him. "Anyway, we better get going.." he trailed off.

Stolas caught his clothes and got dressed up. As he stood up he felt weakened. As if his body was aching of simply standing up.

Blitzø noticed in the corner of his eye of weakened Stolas seemed and decided to give him some support. "Damn your balance is crap, who banged the shit out of you last night?" He said jokingly.

Stolas giggled at his joke, trying to ignore the pain he felt. "Heh, that's funny blitz"

"Okey but seriously we're leaving NOW. I promised you I'd get your damn book back and I sure as hell fucking will." Blitzø let go of Stolas and placed his hand on the door before stolas interrupted him.

"Wait" he made Blitzø pause and turn around, "we still can't go out looking like a demon and an imp, we are still in need of human disguises" Stolas slightly smirked, he couldn't resist the way Blitzø looked in his human form.

Blitzø rolled his eyes as he spread out his arms, bracing himself for the spell, "bring it on mother fucker"

Stolas transformed the two of them back to their human disguises. Blitzø looked as handsome as always. Stolas simply stood there admiring his looks.

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