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Its been another two weeks and this time Jennie was not living her dream, ever since she had sex with kai he would be treating her like trash, she didn't feel like a girlfriend anymore she felt like a maid in her own boyfriend's house,

And It made her really miss some stuff from the past,(definitely about her and tae), Kai knew jennie had asthma but he would let her clean dusty places which hurt her alot but jennie didn't complain, to be frank she still loves him so much, I know the question you are gonna ask, (jennie are you that dumb) Yeah I asked myself that question too😅😅😅

Jennie was packing her stuff to leave since she slept there, she then saw Kai all dressed up,"um, are you going somewhere" she asked,"is it not obvious" he said and she just nodded,'that was so rude' she thought, "anyway, I am leaving clean the living room before you go" he said and she nodded before he left,

Jennie did as she was told as always before going back home, she arrived around 12pm. Taehyung laying on the couch was the first thing she saw, she went to him and he was asleep,'did he sleep on the couch?' She thought, she brushed his hair and gave him a kiss on the cheek before going to the kitchen,

She found a letter on the cabinet there,

Hello to anyone who reads this, tae your mom called me very quick today and I had to go but you were asleep on the couch, just incase it's jennie reading this please cook something for tae to eat, I will be back soon, have a nice day

-Nanny Prez

Jennie kept the paper in her pocket and went to put her bag down, she went back to the kitchen and she then remembered jisoo unnie, she hasn't spoken to her rose or Lisa ever since she started dating Kai and she missed them so much, Jennie wrote a song that she usually sings when sad, so she sang it as she cooked,

"Do you know when your old that your voice still can't let you go, everyday I die little inside when I think of us a long time ago, I always thought that one day you'll leave me, the one that got away but I....just to stay" she started,

Tae woke up and heard her from the kitchen, he went there and stood at the door, he leaned on the door frame with his hands in his pocket as he listened to her,"but all I wanted was to be with you, I'm not a perfect girl, even so stay, stay, stay with me" she sang,

Tae listen to the lyrics very well and he was getting what's happening,'it's either she misses someone or she wants someone back' he thought, "and my heart beats faster I pray alittle harder please just choose to stay, don't you even ask me why your the only one, so just take my hand stay with me" she continued, tae knew something was wrong with his girl,

"I said I wanted to stay but your always leaving, never tell me where never tell me what's the reason, when gone I can't tell if my hearts even beating, sometimes I think it's just fir you that I live and breathing, so stay I know you gotta be tired, when the night gets dark let me be your fire, in a world full of lies my only truth it's you, here's a letter, from me to you" she rapped and stopped singing,

She broke in tears and tae noticed it, he went towards her and hugged her,"tae?" She said,"yes" he said, she immediately turned and hugged him, "tae I miss them" she said crying,"the girls?' He asked and she nodded, "don't worry I bet they miss you too they will definitely come and see you okay" he said and she nodded,

He pulled away and cupped her face, He kissed her on both sides of her cheek, and she chuckled, He wipped her tears and looked right into her eyes,"I never knew you are a good singer" he said, "were you listening to me" she asked,"maybe" he said,"well I sing alot ever since I went to the orphanage, and I rap too" she said,

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