ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 05.1 - BEST FRIEND

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"Ooh, I do hope everyone's done a good job so far. The exhibitions just get more exciting every year, don't they?" Furina coos, walking excitedly towards the auditorium.

Neuvillette can't help but agree. It's one of the events that means the most to him. If this is going to be one of the last ones he's in charge of then it's going to be one of the best. He smiles at the prospect, "Indeed. I'm sure it's going to exceed our expectations."

"It had better!" she comes to a stop in front of the door.

Someone's stuck up a poster.

Club Exhibtion!

No excuse not to stop by! Free food at Lutece's philosophy stand!

Neuvillette's nearly grinning now. He's just embarrassingly happy about so many people sharing his enthusiasm for this.

Nudging his elbow, Furina giggles and bursts the doors open.

"I'll see you in an hour, by the stage. Have fun!" she scurries off, and Neuvillette waves.

The auditorium is loud and bustling, and he swoops through booths to reach the stage. The flower arrangements on either side of the podium are a nice touch, but the banner hanging from the ceiling is a bit garish. No matter.

Someone walks up behind him, and by the noises of fabric rustling Neuvillette has a feeling he might know who it is. "Uh, president Neuvillette?" Lyney taps him on his shoulder, scratching his cheek, "Where can we put our box?"

Neuvillette turns around, "Box?" he asks. Oh no.

"Our trick. We have to set up a box at the back of the stage. I can't tell you how it's done, of course." he winks, "But it needs to be right in front of the curtain."

It isn't hard to surmise how the trick works. Neuvillette nods, and points a little to his left.

"Place it there, and when it's your turn you can move it into the centre, yes?"

Lyney claps, "Wonderful! My humblest thanks." he walks backwards and drops a smoke bomb. Frowning, Neuvillette coughs and waves at the air.

Next to approach him is a boy in a fancy suit, holding what looks like a spinning top. He informs him that it is not in fact a toy, but a machine. He sets it off and whirs, spins and starts smoking. It's immediately turned off and hurried in to the booth Neuvillette directs him to. Everyone else there is in just as fancy dress, including the girl with the pink boots, and they have square jars of water hanging from their canopy. Interesting.

Neuvillette decides to check on some other areas as well, while he's down here. There's a group of people all wearing strange hats and whispering in the corner of their stall. One of them practically jumps when he meets his eyes.

A girl with goggles hammers some metal and the fireplace beside her might be a hazard. She assures him it's perfectly safe and Neuvillette frowns but does not argue.

He recognises camera girl - Charlotte, Furina had told him - at the journalist's booth. Her friend in the blue dress looks a lot calmer in comparison.

"Morning, Neuvillette!" Charlotte waves, "Are you ready for the presentations?"

He nods, something he has been doing a lot this morning, "Yes. Everything should be prepared. Is your booth ready?"

Euphrasie, her name tag says, points at a bowl of folded papers placed on their table, "Yes. Would you like to write something for us?"

"It's called 'Tales of Humanity'." Charlotte supplies, "People will write something for us, anything, and we will write it into the next issue of our newspaper! We may even read out one during our speech." she winks conspiratorially.

THE WORDS YOU SPOKE TO ME - (Wriolette)Where stories live. Discover now