ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 03 - SOUR, OR SWEET

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Chlorinde is attending the exhibition meetings for no reason other than slight curiosity. She doesn't belong to a club nor is part of the staff, but her friends are here and she'll probably find some way to help out.

Squished between Navia and a boy with a strange looking hat, she doesn't think it's worth it anymore. They're really going to need a bigger meeting room in the future. Maybe Chlorinde will bring it up to Neuvilette later.

The door suddenly smacks against the wall and Chlorinde doesn't miss how Neuvilette winces. It's loud and almost certainly left at least a scratch in the paint.

A low whistle from the culprit, "What a turnout. Really got your hands full today, huh Neuvilette?" Wriothesley folds his arms and leans his hips against the doorframe.

"If you're here about the exhibition then you're late, Wriothesley." he sounds oddly biting and Chlorinde raises her eyebrows.

An unmistakable snap of a camera shutter punches the silence but only a couple of people acknowledge it. Chlorinde looks around at other heads in hushed conversation, and the few left are watching the older boys glare at each other. She sighs and Navia turns to her.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just hope our good friend Wriothesley isn't going to be the reason I'm here longer than I should be." she mutters, voice slightly bitter.

Navia shrugs, "With the way he's just standing there, I'd say you're out of luck." she smiles and leans on Chlorinde's shoulder, "You've got me for company. We won't be much longer here, I'm sure."

Wriothesley stretches his arms behind his head as he saunters around the room to where Chlorinde is standing, and squishes himself between her and the beret boy. He squeaks and scurries away and Wriothesley smirks.

She looks at him, unimpressed, "Rude much, today? The rest of us are busy, you know."

He shakes his head, face immediately dropping to an almost scowl. It looks like there's something he wants to say but he stops entirely when Neuvilette begins talking. Chlorinde is silently thankful for this, the quicker she's able to leave here the better.

It's almost funny watching Wriothesley. She'll simply spare him a glance at something he might be mildly interested in and the poor boy looks enraptured. It's not a new thing, this unfortunate crush her friend has, but what is new is the mere idea he would have acted on it. Chlorinde always suspected Wriothesley was too much of a coward to admit to anything.

Maps of the auditorium layout are handed to everyone, labelled with the clubs and their exhibits. Chlorinde rolls hers up and slips it into her pocket.

Navia huffs, "At the back!" she leans forward past Chlorinde, pointing at her map, "Right next to you, Wriothesley. Oh well, we'll surely make do."

He looks similarly displeased.

On the bright side, Chlorinde will have somewhere to stand if she ends up properly in the exhibition committee. Playing guard around the back section doesn't sound too bad. The three can enjoy tea together in the room off it after.

It occurs to Chlorinde that she doesn't know if Navia would like Wriothesley all that much. They couldn't be more unalike, similar only in being friends with the girl standing between them. And maybe tea.

Soon, the room starts clearing out. Melus and Silver come to pick up Navia, and she waves her goodbyes.

"Let's go too. Sigewinne will be waiting for me." Wriothesley says, nodding toward the door. Chlorinde starts walking with him.

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