ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 04 - DESPAIR

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Wriothesley is angry. He knows that's how he comes across as usually, but usually he's nothing more than slightly grumpy. He isn't usually being actively avoided by the boy he likes and is sure likes him back.

Neuvilette kissed him, for archon's sake! He kissed him willingly and said he liked it and let Wriothesley comb through his long pretty hair and said he liked it.

Neuvilette liked it and now he's pretending Wriothesley doesn't exist.

There's nothing that pisses Wriothesley off more than a quitter. In for a penny in for a pound, he'd say. Neuvilette wasn't even in it long enough to be given a penny.

He stalks the hallway up and down outside Neuvilette's class. He's bound to leave at some point, but in typical stuck up fashion he's speaking to his teacher.

Thankfully, the door opens before Wriothesley can think any more. Neuvilette looks elegant as usual. It's funny to see his composure break when he meets Wriothesley's eyes.


He cracks a grin. It's embarrassing how unintentional it is, "Monsieur Neuvilette. Fancy seeing you here."

Neuvilette studies him, lilac eyes tracing every inch. Wriothesley shivers slightly under the scrutiny, "No need to be so surprised, where else would I be?"

Wriothesley shrugs. Internally he's practically excited. He fully expected Neuvilette to reject him, tell him not to call him by nicknames anymore, tell him not to talk to him anymore.

Wait... What?

"I dunno. But you haven't really talked to me so much since... y'know."

He  waves his hand in a generic gesture. He hopes it's not his imagination, but Neuvilette seems to be blushing.

Shaking his head, Neuvilette sighs, "My apologies. I'd just rather not draw this sort of attention." he looks right into Wriothesley's eyes, a little concerned, "I don't know if you haven't noticed, but I take what I'm doing with the student council right now very seriously. It's important to me."

Wriothesley swallows. He wants to ask, so much wants to know: "More important than me?" but that would be rude, and he can never be rude to poor Neuvilette. He'll admit his thinking makes sense, but did he even factor in Wriothesley's feelings?

He finds his upset coming back, gritting his teeth. Wriothesley just shakes his head, "I know. I understand."

"Then, may I ask why you've been rude all week?" Neuvilette asks, cocking an eyebrow, anything but playful.

Wriothesley now feels ashamed. Truth is, he only wanted to tease, but he clearly didn't realise how much it really did annoy Neuvilette.

"Sure. Ask away." he shrugs. Suddenly he doesn't want to have this conversation. Or any conversation. But he doesn't walk away.

Neuvilette pinches his nose in frustration, "I'm trying to be serious. Truth be told, I'm worried about you, a little." he looks at the ceiling.

Wriothesley's eyes widen. Worried? He's not done anything to be worried about, has he? Aside from being annoying to Neuvilette a little more than usual, but that was clearly a retaliation.

Continuing, Neuvilette pulls his thoughts away, "I hope we can go back to how we were. Not... then, but before all this."

He didn't explain the 'worried' comment.

It almost hurts how he didn't put a name to the kiss.

"Why are you worried about me?" Wriothesley doesn't voice his other question. If Neuvilette is dodging the subject then so is he.

THE WORDS YOU SPOKE TO ME - (Wriolette)Where stories live. Discover now