| Year 3 | Chapter 15: The verdict

Start from the beginning

"Malfoy went too far," I tell him. "I promise we'll get him back, Hagrid. I'll make sure of that."

He sniffs, takes my shoulder and pats it as a gesture of apprecuation. The pat is more of a slap, but I bite my tongue, because it's Hag- rid. He looks down at me and smiles as a tear rolls down his cheek.

"Thank you, Lucy."

"It's nothing Hagrid," I chuckle. "Also, as a teacher, I don't think you're allowed to have favourites."

"I'm not your teacher," he argues, but he blushes nonetheless. "And I'm not teaching at the moment."

"Not for long. You'll see, you cab teach again in no time."

"Y'know," I turn to an apprpaching Harry. "Snape has favourites and he's still here."

"And Snape not only has favourites: he bul- lies the ones he hates as well."

Hagrid never argues with us on our dislike of Snape, but he does not really agree either. I never really understood why, maybe he just trusts Snape. Nevertheless, I do not trust him anymore: he is on to my downfall, almost telling people what I am. And all of that, just bcause of who our dad is?! I swear, that man gets pettier with the years.

"How 'bout a cup o' tea huh?" Hagrid sniffs once more, then leads us inside.

Harry and I both sit down and get a cup from the cupboard. Hagrid gets the tea and gives us all some, before he sits down with us.

"Ye both are growin' so fast," he grunts, looking between me and Harry. "It's only been three years and ye've grown a lot already! An' I'm not just talkin' 'bout how tall ye are!"

"I mean, we've changed, I guess," Harry admits. "How could we not? Our whole lifes have changed so much since you came and told us we were wizards. Of course we changed too."

"Yeah," Hagrid sighs. "It's good things changed fer ye. Those Dursleys are awful."

Harry and I exchange an uncomfortable glance, but we quickly look away. We try to talk about them as little as possible, just to be sure no one figures anything out. So far it has worked fine: the only person who knows is Remus and he keeps our secret. Unlike sone teachers do.

"Y'know what Hagrid?" I start to steer the subject away from the Dursleys. "I am going to find Ginny, Liliana and Vanessa later and I'm gonna plan a good prank on Malfoy. He is not getting out of this unharmed, I promise."

Hagrid smiles lightly and takes a sip of tea. "I know ye will, Lucy. I don' doubt it."


Harry's POV:

"POTTER!" I jump, but as I turn around, I realize it's not me they're after. Draco Malfoy, followed of course, by his body- guards Crabbe and Goyle storms towards the Gryffindor table.

And he is completely soaked in blood.

And I mean, he is utterly soaked through, as if he's just come insode from the worst storm England has seen in ages, but instead of rain, it was blood pouring down. It's going to take a lot of time for him to clean and dry up if he doesn't use magic.

"Hello there Malfoy," Lucy greets him back, face extremely blank for someone who has just pulled this huge prank. "Whatever might you have done? Did you actually get hurt this time? Wow, that's ironic, after that 'incident' with Hagrid's class!"

Vanessa, Liliana and Ginny laugh and assess their work in astonishment. Malfoy seethes at them all, turns back to Lucy and points a finger at her. "You are gonna regret this! I warned you! I am done with your bullying, and I will not let you do that to me!"

"Since when am I a bully?!" Lucy's face turns red in a second, her gaze burning a hole right through Malfoy.

Normally, he would have looked scared by now and backed off. It seems that this time, he is so furious he doesn't even notice this danger. "You and your 'pranks' on all of us! I know some people will not tell you this, but it isn't even funny anymore! But I am above sparing you from that info, I am not afraid of you! I will not be undermined by an ugly half-blood!"

My blood boils before mind even registers what he has said. I stand at once and walk towards the group. There's no need for me to step in, Ginny and Liliana and most of the Gryffindors around them fo a fine job by themselves, but I can't help myself.

"What did you just say?" I ask him when I stand in front of him. Malfoy doesn't listen to me, he is too busy avoiding a curse that comes flying towards him, fired by Seamus it seems.

Ginny dives for his neck, but she's held back by Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown. Vanessa is cursing him so badly Malfoy flinches at her words. Liliana is firing spells at him as well, which he sadly dodges too.

"ENOUGH!" The vooming voice of McGonna- gall echoes over us all, stopping everyone at once. "Mr. Malfoy, miss Shacklebolt, miss Weasley and miss Johnson, mr. Finnigan, to my office, now! Severus, you'd better come too. Miss Potter, would you like to follow as well?"

"Sure..." Lucy's look tells me she doesn't actually want to be there, but what choice does she really have with McGonnagall? So she follows us, looking just as guilty and devastated as the others, who actually did something.

"You sure Lu?" I ask her, but she shrugs and follows without saying anything else. All I can do is watch them all leave.

"You don't suppose she'll get in trouble too, do you?" Neville asks, a tremmor in his voice, as if he's afraid to ask. "Because of the prank, I mean?"

"If Snape can help it, she will," Fred grunts. Both him and George are watching Snape leave and staring him down as if that might set him on fire.

"But he has no proof it was them," I reason, but I know it's hopeless. It's painfully obvious it was them, they didn't even deny it. And they won't.

"But er... we gotta go," George nudges Fred and gives him a weird look. "We've got to get our y'know, right Fred?"

"Right George." And just like that, the twins leave too, doing whatever sneaky thing they are planing now. It'd better be aimed at Snape or Malfoy.

"I swear, normally I understand, but Lucy didn't do anything this time!" At the table next to ours (the Ravenclaws) sits Marley, Lu's dorm mate. She's scowling and she clearly saw everything.

"Snape is so unfair," a girl next to her comments, watching the doors. She was very beautiful, with dark shining eyes, long black hair and very delicate skin. "I don't understand why Professor Dumbledore keeps him here. His teaching isn't even that good."

"Right!" Someone else agrees with the girl. Who is that girl?!

"Harry," Hermione snaps her fingers in front of my face all of a sudden, a smug glim in her eyes. "We should go to class!"

"Where did you just come from?" Ron frowns at her. "You weren't here before!"

"I was here the whole time, Ronald."

"No, you weren't!"

"We're going to be late, let's go," I interrupt their usual bickering. "We can't help Lucy anyway."

And please let her be able to get out of this whole thing wothout my help.




Let's just say school was a lot this semester and will be even more dramatic next semester, so it might take some time again. I'm doing the best I can, I promise I'll try being more frequent in the updates. I think it will get a little better maybe.

Merry christmas everyone! Little late, but yeah, I wasn't done with this chapter yet, early happy New Year anyways!

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