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Stevie is crying as she collapses into Lindsey's arms.

"Hi, baby," He chuckles, kissing the top of her head. He rubs her back, swaying softly with her until she collects herself.

The last month of tour had gone by so quickly Stevie hardly remembered it. She was so focused on getting home and settling in before the baby came that she barely paid attention on stage. She only regrets it a little bit, knowing she'll be back out there someday soon.

"I missed you," She sniffles, looking up at him.

"I know. I missed you too," He says, cupping her cheek. He gives her a proper kiss, long and slow right there in the middle of the tarmac.

"Where's Jade?" She asks, looking past him to the car.

"She's at home with your brother. She wasn't feeling well so I kept her home from dance," He says, sliding his arm around her waist and leading her towards the car. He glances back, nodding at Lori. She nods back, ushering Sharon into their car.

Lindsey opens the passenger's door, making sure Stevie is settled before getting behind the wheel.

"How do you feel?" Lindsey asks, glancing at Stevie out of the corner of his eye as he gets onto the freeway that will take them thirty minutes longer. She doesn't seem to notice, her head resting against the headrest, cradling her bump in one hand.

"I'm tired, and I can't wait to see Jade," She says, smiling at him when he reaches over to take her hand. "And sleep in my own bed."

Lindsey laughs, stroking his thumb across her knuckles. "We've missed you around the house."

She raises an eyebrow, looking at him. "Is the house a mess?"

"No! No, nothing like that. It's just... too quiet with you gone."

She smiles softly, squeezing his hand. "I know what you mean."

He smiles, his fingers untangling from hers. He rests his hand on her belly. "Hello, Peanut."

Stevie laughs. "What kind of nickname is that?"

"What? I can't call them both Bug," He defends, looking behind him as he switches lanes.

"Well, I guess you're right," She sighs, looking out the window. She narrows her eyes, looking over at him. "Why did you go this way?"

Shit. "What do you mean?"

"Lindsey, it's gonna take us forty five minutes to get home this way. Why didn't you get on the 405 straight from the airport?"

"I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry, baby. I know you're tired," He covers easily, sliding his hand into hers again. She sighs, offering a weak smile.

"It's okay," She says, shaking their joined hands. "I just miss Jade."

"I know you do. We'll be home soon."


Lindsey helps Stevie out of the car, wrapping his arm around her waist as he hoists her bag onto his shoulder. Stevie smiles when she sees Jade at the kitchen window, waving and jumping up and down. Lindsey carries Stevie's suitcases up to the front door, which has already been flung open in Jade's excitement to hug Stevie.

"Oh," Stevie coos, crouched in the entryway. "My little girl. I missed you so much."

"I missed you, Mommy," Jade says, arms circled around Stevie's neck. Lindsey leaves Stevie's bags by the stairs, shutting the front door behind him. He hangs his jacket up in the closet, tossing his keys onto the table in the entryway. He looks to Christopher, standing in the kitchen. He nods, gesturing towards the living room. Lindsey nods, placing his hand on Stevie's back.

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