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"Lindsey Buckingham!" Jade yells loudly, hands on her hips. "Look what you did!"

He doubles over, laughing so hard his stomach cramps.

"Jesus, Steph, I wonder who she gets that from?" He asks, wiping the tears that have collected in the corners of his eyes.

Stevie shoots him a glare, trying desperately not to laugh.

"Daddy!" Jade says, staring at him with furrowed brows.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, Bug," He chuckles, bending down to pick up her doll. He'd knocked it out of her hands when he snuck up behind her to tickle her, causing her to scream.

"Stop terrorizing our kid," Stevie says, unable to keep a straight face when Lindsey looks at her. She giggles, shaking her head.

"Har har," He deadpans, tossing his jacket across the back of a barstool at the island, passing behind her to get to the fridge. He grabs a bottle of beer, looking down at Ginny, who's begging at his feet. He sighs, rolling his eyes as he opens the pantry to get a treat for her. "You spoil this dog too much."

"Excuse me," Stevie says, whirling around to face him. "You're the one who fed her a billion treats when she was a puppy. She expects them because of you."

He waves a dismissive hand, "No."

Stevie rolls her eyes, turning back to the stove. "Nobody go too far, dinner will be ready in ten minutes."

Lindsey looks at Jade, raising an eyebrow. "Think that's enough time for you to show me what you've been practicing?"

Jade nods, skipping into the living room. Lindsey wraps his arm around Stevie's waist, and she turns her head just enough to give him a chaste kiss.

"Thanks, baby. Smells great."

She smiles at him, giving him a proper kiss. "She's gonna yell at you again if you don't get in there."

Lindsey chuckles, squeezing her hip before heading into the living room. Stevie hums to herself, stirring the sauce that's simmering on the stove. She checks the enchiladas in the oven, pouring some more sauce over them before shutting the oven again. She tops off her glass of wine, wiping her hands on the dish towel.

She smiles when she hears Jade fumbling her way through chords on the guitar. Her hands are too small to reach all the strings on the neck, but she refuses to let them get her a children's one. She's determined, and neither of them ever say a word when she pauses to readjust her fingers, or misses a chord. Her determination is far too adorable for them to try to fix it.

Stevie sets the table, pulling dinner out of the oven. She pours the rest of the sauce over the top, setting a bowl of tortilla chips in the center of the table. She plates everything, then heads into the living room.

"Dinner is ready," She says, looking at Lindsey and Jade. She's sitting in his lap, her little brow furrowed as she concentrates on where Lindsey is putting her fingers.

"Try that," He says softly, adjusting her fingers over the strings one more time before letting go. Jade nods, straightening her shoulders and doing exactly what Lindsey taught her.

"Yes!" She cheers, setting the guitar down and turning around, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I did it, Daddy!"

"Good job!" He smiles, rubbing her back. "That was perfect, Bug."

"Mommy, did you hear?" Jade asks, beaming up at Stevie.

"I did, babe. That was so good," She smiles, crouching down when Jade comes hurtling at her. She kisses the top of her head, smiling at Lindsey. He gets to his feet, kissing both of their heads as he passes them to the kitchen.

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