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"Okay, before we continue, I'd like to make a dedication," Stevie says, gripping her microphone with both hands to resist the urge to cradle her belly. "This last song is one I wrote a long time ago for someone very special. Tonight I'm dedicating it to my daughter, who's out there somewhere with her daddy, the man I wrote this for. Jade, sweet girl, this is for you. This is Landslide."

"That's me!" Jade gasps, looking up at Lindsey. He chuckles, nodding.

"Yes, it is," He says. They're standing in the section of reserved seats, about 20 rows back on the floor. Jade holds her arms up, and Lindsey lifts her so she can see over the crowd.

"Do you think Mommy could see me if I wave?" Jade asks.

"No, she's not wearing her glasses," Lindsey laughs. Why she refuses to wear her contacts is beyond him.  He honestly thinks she just forgets and then feels defensive when he asks her about it.

Stevie scans the crowd, as far as she can see, but she doesn't see them. She didn't even know they were coming tonight, a week earlier than scheduled.


Stevie whips around, gasping and falling to her knees just in time to catch Jade. "My baby! What are you doing here?"

Jade giggles when Stevie covers her face in kisses, squeezing her until she shoots a pleading look to Lindsey over her mother's shoulder.

"Stevie," Lindsey laughs, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Don't crush her."

"What are you guys doing here? I thought you weren't coming for another week," She sniffles, settling Jade on her hip and standing.

"Babe, why are you crying?" Lindsey asks, pulling her in for a hug. He rubs her back, guiding her down the hall towards her dressing room.

"I'm just so happy to see you guys," She laughs, sitting on the couch, Jade still clinging to her.

Lindsey wraps his arm around her shoulders, kissing the side of her head. His hand immediately goes to her bump, concealed by her leotard. "Wow, you weren't kidding."

She shakes her head, smiling at Lindsey.

"What?" He asks, laughing.

"I just missed you," She says, leaning her head on his shoulder. He chuckles, resting his chin on top of her head.

"You just sounded so miserable on the phone."

"Oh, sure," She scoffs. "Like you're any better."

"I am," He says. She swats his chest, rolling her eyes.

"Please, Lindsey."

"Alright, I missed you too," He sighs, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Ew!" She squeals, wiping her face on his shirt. Jade giggles.

"Mommy, can I watch you sing?"

"Of course you can, honey," Stevie nods. "Oh, I'm so glad you guys are here."

Lindsey smiles, looking over when the door opens.

"Oh, hey," Lori smiles. "Stevie, we're on in 20."

Stevie thanks the crowd, takes her final bows with the band, and rushes off stage. Jade and Lindsey are just getting past the security guards when she reaches her dressing room, and she smiles at them. She scoops Jade into her arms, twirling her around as she enters her dressing room. She has a few minutes to spare before she's back on for her encore. Already, Mary is waiting with the hairdryer to fix her hair.

It's a mad dash to get back to the stage in time, and Stevie gives Lindsey a quick kiss before she darts back over to her microphone. Jade watches from Lindsey's side, standing on an empty equipment case in the wing.

"I want to be just like Mommy when I grow up," She says, making Lindsey laugh.

"You can do whatever you want to do, Bug," Lindsey nods, looking at her. She's watching Stevie with wide eyes, mouthing the words to Rhiannon. There's pure joy on her little face, and Lindsey has to clear his throat to dislodge the sudden lump of emotion that's formed there. Something about being here, at Stevie's show, with their daughter... He can't explain why it makes him so happy.

Stevie collapses in Lindsey's arms the second she's off stage, closing her eyes.

"You were amazing, baby," He says, kissing the top of her head.

"Mommy, that was the best thing I've ever seen!" Jade exclaims, still standing several inches taller than both of them. Stevie looks up at her, smiling. Lindsey holds his arms open, and Jade jumps down, immediately reaching for Stevie and clinging to her.

"Thank you," Stevie laughs, kissing the top of Jade's head. She leads Lindsey down the hall to her dressing room, setting Jade down on the couch.

"Are you hungry?" Lindsey calls when she disappears into the bathroom to change.

"Starving!" She calls back.

He looks to Jade, who's swinging her legs as she waits. "What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever Mommy wants," She says, smiling when Stevie reappears, dressed in a flowing black, floral print dress. She smooths a hand down her bump, raising an eyebrow when Lindsey slings her purse over his shoulder. She takes Jade's little hand in hers, and the three of them head down the back hall.

"What do you want to eat?" Lindsey asks, leading them towards his rental car.

"Don't ask me questions," She groans, rubbing her forehead. "I'll eat anything right now."

"Okay," He says, getting Jade buckled in the back seat. Stevie rests her head against the window, closing her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Lindsey asks, reaching over and taking her hand. "Nauseous?"

She nods, taking deep breaths every time her stomach rolls. She was never this sick with Jade, but she's been nauseous her entire pregnancy. Her doctor assured her that it was all normal, but it doesn't stop her from feeling like shit. There's been times where she's had to run off stage to throw up its so bad, but what can she do? She's popping her anti nausea pills like candy, but they barely help. It's miserable.

"Once you eat it'll be better," He assures, stroking his thumb over the back of her hand. "Then we'll go back to the hotel and you can be violently sick in peace."

"That's so helpful, thank you," She grumbles, shooting him a glare. "Sorry. I don't want to be mean."

"It's okay," He chuckles, squeezing her hand.

"Sorry you don't feel good, Mommy," Jade says, reaching her hand between the seat and the door. Stevie smiles, taking Jade's hand.

"Thank you, sweetheart."

She looks over at Lindsey, smiling. She's glad they're here.

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