Chapter 21 : In it together

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Chapter 21

The next day...    

Riker POV

We had to do chores before breakfast this morning. And then when we were done, dad gave us cereal. Ross and I sat down next to each other, across from dad on the other side of the table.

"You guys don't have anything to say to me? Nothing like, hey dad, sorry we were tattletales and called the police on you and got you into a big legal mess? How about that?"

Neither of us said anything. Dad banged his fist on the table really loud, making both of us jump.

"I'm sorry," I said, quietly.


"Yes. I'm sorry for causing trouble."

"How about you both get back outside and finish the yard work you started?"

We put our dishes in the sink and then went outside. Ross walked silently beside me. I sort of froze again when I got near my blood near the pool. Ross looked at it too.

"Hey, don't look at that. Let's go do the stupid leaves," Ross said.

He took my arm and pulled me away from the pool. There was only one rake, so we decided to take turns. Ross told me to sit down in the grass while he raked and to stop thinking about my blood near the pool.

It's just so hard. I'm trying to be strong for him, but some things just really freak me out.

After a little while, Ross came back over and sat down next to me.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"I think so..."

"I washed your blood off the cement so you don't have to keep looking at it."


Ross hugged me tight.

"What do you think we'll have to do after we finish the leaves?" He asked.

"I don't know. Clean the kitchen again? Clean the bathrooms? I have no idea."

I got up and took my turn raking the leaves. I couldn't help but let my mind wander. I kept thinking about how it was almost my birthday and I hope I don't have to spend it here. But I also hope I'm not really hurt on my birthday. Not that we ever do much for my birthday anyway...

I finished raking the leaves into a pile and went back to Ross.

"I finished. You ready to go back inside?"

"I'll never be ready."

Ross and I walked back to our back door and knocked. Dad came and opened it. I was immediately trying to see if I smelled any alcohol on him, just in case. But I didn't smell anything.

"Good. You can go do whatever you want until dinner."

I was literally shocked. We don't have to do any chores?

Ross and I went upstairs.

"That was weird, wasn't it?" Ross asked.

"You mean that we can do whatever we want right now?"


"Yeah. But maybe-"

"Don't even try telling me he's changed."

I stayed silent.

"You know that at some point, he's going to do something."

I flopped down on my bed.

"Well let's just try not to worry about it until he does."


Riker POV

We did some more chores after dinner, like doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen. But that was it. So Ross and I went back upstairs after that.

I almost just wish he would hurt us already because the anticipation is killing me. And he hasn't had any alcohol since we got here.

I feel like at some point, he'll get drunk again, even though he's apparently in some program for alcoholics. Do those programs even work?

"Can you come sleep over here again?" Ross asked.

"Yeah, of course. Let me just get ready for bed."

I grabbed my pjs and went to the bathroom. I got changed and brushed my teeth. And then I stared at myself in the mirror. It's like I almost can't believe this is reality.

I went back to my room and got into bed beside Ross.

"How can you even sleep?" Ross asked.

"I'm exhausted."

"You're not anxious?"

"I am, but I'm more tired than I am anxious."

Ross clung onto me tight. I pulled the covers over us.

"We're ok. We made it through today," I said.

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