Chapter 7 : School

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Chapter 7

The next day...   

Riker POV

Ross and I were sitting on the couch in the living room, waiting for Mark to come back. He'd gone out to buy us some school supplies and get some pizza for dinner.

"Do you think we're going to be here for a while?" Ross asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Like with Mark."

"Oh... Probably. Unless mom and dad get custody again."

"Do you think they will?"

"I don't know. I don't really know how that works. But I think they're probably trying."

"What happens if we have to go back home?"

"Then we wait and see if dad does anything to us again, and if he does, we tell someone."


"Have you been worrying about that lately?"

"Yeah. I just like being here so much. I don't have to worry about getting hurt. Or about you getting hurt either. And now we get to go back to our old school. I'm just so happy here."

I sighed. I don't want to go back to school.

"What?" Ross asked.


I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me.

"I'm just glad the foster place didn't separate us," I said, softly.

"Me too. How are you feeling? How's your back?"

"Still sore. It takes a little while for bruises to get better and go away."

"I'm sorry our other foster parents hurt you so bad. I should've done something."

"No. I'm the big brother. My job is to protect you. Not for you to protect me."

"But I don't want you getting hurt so bad."

"I don't care."

"Ok, but do you really think our parents might get custody of us again?"

"I already told you, I don't know."

Ross sighed and laid his head on my shoulder.

"We'll be ok," I said, hugging him tighter.


"I promise."


Riker POV

Mark had bought us a bunch of school supplies because apparently we're supposed to start school tomorrow. It made me feel sick to my stomach. I barely ate any dinner. Mark didn't try to make me eat though. He said I didn't look good and told me to go to bed early.

But I couldn't fall asleep. I was too scared for school. I can't go back. My bullies are just going to hurt me again!

I looked at my phone. It was almost 4:00 in the morning. I've just been tossing and turning for hours. And freaking out.

I got out of bed and slowly walked down the hall to Mark's room. I went over to him and gently shook his shoulder, waking him up. He sat up and turned on his light.

"Riker, what's wrong?" He asked, quietly.

"I can't go to school tomorrow," I said, breaking into tears.

Mark moved over and held his covers up for me to get in bed beside him, so I did.

"Tell me what's going on," Mark said.

"When I went to school, I got bullied really bad. And I just know if I go back, they're going to do it again!" I said, crying harder.

"Is that why you barely ate any dinner?"

"The thought of going back to school is making me feel sick."

"What did they do to you?"

"One time they took my phone and smashed it. They stole my homework. They locked me in a locker. Knocked my books out of my hands. Anything they could think of. Please don't make me go back!"

Mark put his arm around me.

"I'll call the foster center tomorrow and tell them what's going on and see what they can do, ok?"

"Do I have to go to school tomorrow?"



"Why don't you try to get some sleep?"

"Can I stay here?" I asked, quietly.


Mark turned his light back off. I laid down and pulled the covers over myself. And I was actually able to fall asleep.


Riker POV


I opened my eyes and saw Ross poking me.


"Mark says breakfast is ready. Why are you sleeping in his bed?"

"I had a bad night."

"Oh... He said you're not going to school."

"I'm not."


"Because I used to get bullied, remember? So I thought maybe if I told Mark about it, he wouldn't make me go."

"Oh... Ok. So what are you going to do for school then?"

"I don't know. He's going to call the foster center and ask them about it."

"Ok. Well come down for breakfast."

I got out of bed and followed Ross downstairs. Mark made us eggs and bacon. And I actually had an appetite today.

I stayed at the table while Ross got on the bus. And then Mark sat down across from me.

"Let's talk," he said.

"About what?" I asked, nervously.

"I called the foster center. They're going to talk it over and get back to me on their decision on what to do about school for you. And I made a doctor's appointment for you today for your anxiety."

"Ok... Are they going to ask me questions about it at the doctor's?"

"I don't know what they're going to ask."

"Are you going to come in with me?"

"Yeah, of course I will."


"Why don't you go get dressed? And then you can just watch tv until we have to leave, ok?"


I went upstairs and got dressed. I hate the doctor's. Something scary always seems to happen when I'm there.

I went back downstairs and sat on the couch. I put the tv on but I couldn't really concentrate on it because I was too busy worrying about the doctor's.

I pulled my knees to my chest and just tried to stay calm. I just need to make it through the appointment and I'll be fine.

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