Chapter 20 : Back home AGAIN

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Chapter 20

A few days later...   

Riker POV

I knew something was wrong at breakfast. I could just tell.

Mark barely said anything to us. Ross seemed completely oblivious and went to school. But I was anticipating the worst.

"What's going on?" I asked, as Mark sat down at the kitchen table across from me.

"They got custody of you again."


"Riker, just do exactly what you did last time, ok? I'll run out to the store today and get you some protein bars. I know you're scared. But just do what you did last time if something goes wrong."

I felt tears forming in my eyes, but they didn't fall. I knew this was coming. I knew sooner or later he would get me back there again. I was just hoping it wouldn't really happen.


Riker POV

Mark had gotten me a bunch of protein bars like he said he would. Me and Ross both packed up our stuff. And now we were waiting for someone from the foster center to pick us up.

I was sitting on the couch with Mark and Ross. We were both cuddled into Mark. He had his arms around us.

"We can't keep doing this. I'm just scared all the time! I can't take it!" Ross said, starting to cry.

"Hey. You're stronger than you think. You've come so far. You just need to persevere a little longer," Mark said.

"I can't! I can't do this anymore!"

I took Ross's hand and held it tight.

"I'm going to be right there next to you. We can get through this together," I said.

Ross continued crying. And then the doorbell rang. Mark got up to answer it. So I pulled Ross into a hug.

"Ross, I promise. We're going to get through this. We'll be ok."

"We're going to get hurt!"

"We will make it out of this, ok? I'll protect you as best as I can."

"I don't want to go through this again."

"Me either. But we have to. So let's try to get through it. We have each other. We can do this."

"But what if he hits us?"

"We call the police."

"What if he hurts us so much that we can't call the police?"

"I promise you, I will find some way to call for help. We'll be ok."

Mark came back in with the foster center lady, who was different than the other one we had, and I was glad because she was kind of mean.

Ross got up and hugged Mark tight. And then it was my turn. I hugged Mark and just tried to hold in my tears and take deep breaths.

"You can do this, Riker. Just try to stay calm, think clearly, and breathe."

I nodded. And then followed the lady out the door to her car. Ross and I got in the back seat. Ross was still crying.

I wiped the tears off his cheeks, but I knew he was really upset. I haven't really seen him like this before. He seemed hopeless and like he'd given up. And I need him in a different mindset if we want to survive.

We arrived back home. Dad answered the door again and had to sign some papers. And then the foster lady left.

Dad stared at both of us for a minute.

"Why are you crying?" Dad asked.

"He doesn't feel good," I said, lying.

I don't want him knowing Ross is like this because of him. The less he knows, the better.

"Bed. Now. Get upstairs," he said.

I grabbed both mine and Ross's suitcases and went upstairs to our room. Ross came in behind me and shut the door. He immediately got into his bed, laid down, and turned away from me, facing the wall.

"Ross, we're ok. Let's just get some sleep and see how tomorrow goes, ok?" I asked, quietly.

"I don't want to do this."

I changed into my pjs and then got into his bed beside him.

"I'm right here, ok? If you need anything, just tell me," I said.

Ross turned and buried his face in my shirt.

"Please just get us out of here," he said, softly.

My heart was breaking, knowing I couldn't do anything. All I can do is be here for him and hope that's enough.

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