Stars - Flower Husbands

Start bij het begin

A phantom memory of an iron grip around his neck and his legs swinging in thin air surfaced and flashed behind his eyes. Jimmy flickered between that memory and the present, both times staring into glowing purple eyes full of pure fury and bloodlust. Now, just like then, Jimmy was certain he wasn't going to survive. He pressed his back to the door and closed his eyes, tears pricking at his eyes and a small sob escaping his mouth, his fingers scrabbling at his neck to remove a grip that wasn't there. His wings were out, his strength was failing him, and he couldn't breathe. Jimmy knew he was dead. Why aren't you here, Scott? Where are you?

- - - 

Scott clambered up the ladder as fast as he possibly could, heartbeat pounding in his ears. Surging up through the trapdoor and grabbing a nearby iron sword on the way, Scott ran to the front door and unbolted it, yanking it open only to get slammed into by a heavy bunch of yellow feathers. 

- - - 

Jimmy had resigned himself to death, and then the heavy door that he was leaning on inexplicably swung inward, causing the canary to lose his balance and topple inside. He collided with someone and fell on top of them in a jumble of arms, legs, wings, and with a puff of yellow feathers. Jimmy squawked in surprise, and the person he ran into chuckled. "Hello, Jimmy," Scott said, a relieved grin spreading over his face. 

Jimmy's eyes grew wide and he scrambled off of the cyanette, a bright pink blush blooming over his face. "Scott! Hi! You came! Are you okay?" He exclaimed, probably louder than was needed, but he was stressed and flustered, so he wasn't really in control of his voice at the moment. "I'm alright," Scott said, smiling from his position on the floor, where he was still flat on his back. Jimmy nodded awkwardly, fidgeting and shuffling on his taloned feet. 

Scott sat up and gazed at him, his smile melting into a concerned frown. "Jimmy?" He asked, confused and worried. The canary jumped, his wings half-extended and feathers ruffled. "What?" Jimmy asked cautiously, his voice cracking and his eyes open wide, his pupils tiny. Scott stood and walked over, reaching out and settling a steadying hand on the nervous bird's shoulder. "Are you okay, Jimmy?" The cyanette asked. 

Jimmy opened his mouth and hesitated, then they both jumped at the sound of a heavy thump against the door. Then another. Then ominous scratching sounds from the windows. Then a shrieking, three-block-tall, monstrous specter appeared with a poof of pink sparkles and reached its claws for Jimmy. 

Scott didn't hesitate, whirling around and sweeping Jimmy behind him, holding out his sword as he stared the enderman dead in the eyes. It let out a fresh scream of rage and rushed at Scott, the new object of its fury. The cyanette didn't falter, raising his sword and calmly batting the monster back, speaking to Jimmy over the clashes and screeches. "I've got him. Could you barricade the door?" He said, steady and undisturbed even as the terrifying creature clawed at his face. Jimmy nodded, taking great care to look only at Scott and not at the raging enderman, though it wouldn't have mattered if he did, as the monster's attention was solely on the cyanette. 

Jimmy tiptoed around the two locked in combat and placed a block in front of the door so that when a zombie broke through, it still couldn't reach inside. A bloodcurdling shriek sounded, and Jimmy's feathers puffed out, but when he turned to help Scott, all he saw was a small whisp of white smoke and an ender pearl. Scott himself looked drained, but unharmed, if Jimmy was judging by the tired but beautiful smile on his face. That final scream was the enderman's last. 

With the monster gone, Jimmy finally relaxed, and his wings folded in relief, sensing that he was safe. Scott, kind, selfless Scott, who'd run immediately to Jimmy's aid when the canary called for help, opened his arms and smiled gently. Jimmy didn't even think about rushing right into them and burrowing his face into Scott's chest. He felt safe. He felt warm. Scott laughed, and Jimmy could feel it, the vibrations of his mirth contrasting with the rhythm of his heartbeat. 

Jimmy didn't realize that he was crying until he moved his face and saw the wet patch on Scott's shirt. "Ah, I'm sorry," Jimmy mumbled, roughly wiping at his face. Scott smiled gently, shaking his head. "Jimmy." He said fondly, reaching out and gently brushing his finger under the canary's eye. Jimmy sniffled but said nothing. "What's wrong, Jimmy?" Scott prompted gently. The canary was silent for a moment before speaking, his voice halting and shaky. "You came. I thought you wouldn't. I thought I was going to die, but you came and you saved me." Jimmy said, fiddling with his feathers uncertainly. 

Scott nodded, his face creased in a gentle concern or a worried fondness. "Well, I made a promise, didn't I?" He said, chuckling a bit. Jimmy started crying again, and Scott wrapped the canary in his arms, rocking him back and forth and just letting him be vulnerable. For the first time in the games, Jimmy felt safe. He never wanted to leave Scott's warm embrace. He was in the arms of someone who had made a promise to protect him and kept it, and Jimmy wanted to stay there forever.

 - - - 

I maaay have gotten a little carried away with this one, but I can't help it X3

More fluff for you :3

Please do tell me what you think, I spent a lot of time on this one 

(And to think, it started out as a tiny blurb I came up with while half-asleep)

Love ya!!


Word Count: 1770 words

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