45| The lighthouse and the Ship

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Omniscient narrator;

Sometimes life means parting ways for something better or a new path for everyone. That's exactly what happened to the young students who once roamed around Richmond and Welton. Each of them found their own road, but with the exception of never forgetting their first.

Cumar moved to Egypt with a mind full of experiences and realities, even before fully grasping the ones he had encountered. The first year of university proved challenging; he faced language barriers, particularly with Arabic, and found the recitation of the Quran to be different from what he had been exposed to before.

Despite the difficulties, Cumar remained determined to achieve his goal of becoming a scholar. He took on a part-time job on campus and scheduled private teacher meetings, refusing to give up. Every time he felt the need to come back, he'd simply text "Code 407" to the one person who could calm him down – Ahmed.

On the other side of the world, Ahmed sat in an art lecture, offering reassurance to Cumar. Having completed his year in London, Ahmed went on to work with the best Muslim psychologist globally, gaining a deeper understanding of himself. After that, he took three months to visit his friends, spending one month with each of them. Ahmed wasn't joking when he said they'd have a place to crash. Now aspiring to earn a bachelor's in art, he contemplated opening his own art studio or gallery, unable to fully grasp the vast possibilities awaiting him.

Ismail, dedicated to his journey, successfully completed his teacher education. During those four years, he not only honed his skills as an educator but also deepened his understanding of the subjects he was passionate about. Alongside these academic achievements, Ismail also embarked on a personal milestone.

In the midst of his educational pursuits, Ismail entered a new chapter of his life by marrying Fatima. Their union, after four years of being apart, was a joyous celebration among the friends. Ismail and Fatima's wedding became a poignant moment, bringing the gang together to share in the happiness of their friend's union.

Both happy and surrounded by the festive atmosphere of Ismail and Fatima's wedding, Cumar and Ugbad found themselves standing near the food table. Cumar, attempting to get more lamb beef, noticed Ugbad before him.

"Assalamu Alaikum, how are you?" he greeted with a warm smile. Ugbad, looking down in a slightly awkward manner, replied, "Wa alaikum assalam. I've been good."

Cumar couldn't help but appreciate Ugbad's habit of lowering her gaze, a characteristic he had always admired. "I can't believe they're getting married. I remember it like yesterday when Ismail had a small liking for her," he remarked, glancing at the bride.

"I didn't know that, but well, they did end up together at last, didn't they?" Ugbad said.

Curious about Ugbad's recent endeavors, Cumar inquired, "So, what have you been up to lately?" Ugbad, maintaining an air of mystery, simply replied, "You know, stuff." Cumar looked at her and pressed, "What kind of stuff?"

She finally shared, "Well, I did go to Somalia, planning to stay there for six months, but I ended up being there for a year. I came back and just applied to medical school." Cumar, feigning surprise, responded with a genuine "MaShaAllah!"

Returning the question, Ugbad asked about Cumar's recent experiences. "I am coming home soon; I just have one more year of fiqh," he revealed. Ugbad nodded, though she had known these details beforehand, playing along with the act. "Well, I have to get back to Ayaan over there. She's just begging for some soda," she mentioned, and Cumar, with a smile, added, "She loves Fanta Exotic, that one over there." Ugbad was left wondering how he knew that as she returned to Ayaan.

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