The Breakups

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I was in the kitchen of the Brighthouse making breakfast for everyone when they woke up  I was humming a tune "Making some pancakes for my friend taking long they I thought" I sang Pipp then came gliding into the Kitchen "Hi Pipp good morning" I said "Hi Xavier I need to tell you something" she said she sounded nervous

(5 min earlier)    

Pipp woke up and saw my bed empty ("Okay I have to tell him today but what if it breaks his heart what if he cut's off are friendship no no you said Pipp just tell him there's never going to be a good time so it might as be today") she thought she then heard me downstairs "Here it go" said whispered 

"Is something wrong?" I asked "No of course not it's just...I think we should go back to just being friends" she said I stopped in my tracks do I heard that correctly "What!?" I said "Look your a great guy and any girls would be lucky to have you but...Zipp's going to be Queen so what would happen if a Princess and a prince got married I don't want to steal that from her and I want to forces on my singing and salon isn't of a relationship" explained Pipp a stray tear fell from my right eye Pipp saw the look of heart break on my face "Fine you not want to continue with this then fine" I said trying to not make my voice break I turned the stove off with my magic "I need to go for a walk make your own breakfast" I said walking out the door Pipp had a sad look on her face ("What have I done?") she thought 

I walked thoughts going though my head "Why was it a simple has Zipp her singing and her  salon" I said out loud I wasn't watching  were I was going so I ran into somepony that pony being Misty "OH I'm so sorry Misty I didn't mean to" I said "No it's fine no harm done but I do need to talk to you" she said she sound like Pipp "Oh no" I said 

(Opalines Dark Castle)           

Misty was in her room talking to her doll "I have to tell him right?" she asked she got no response "Yes I know we just got together and I couldn't be happier" still no response "Yes I know in wasn't in the moment but if Opaline finds out he'll be in danger" still no response "Your right this is the right thing to do" said Misty has she left her room 

"Xavier I'm happy that you chose to get together but I'm going to have to call it off" she said "Why Pipp's already called it quits why are you?" I asked Misty paused (" Pipp broke up with him oh no bad timing maybe no don't back down now") she thought "I'm sorry about that it's just if Opaline find's out who knows what she'll do not just to me but you" she said "I'm not afraid of Opaline" I said "But I am look let's just stay friends please" said Misty tears started to fall freely now "Fine be that way" I said and turn and ran back towards the Brighthouse Misty watch my retreating figure with a guilty look ("This was for the best right?") she thought 

(The Brighthouse)        

Everyone was awake now all in the dining room "So he just left?" asked Zipp after Pipp and told her about our break up "Yes and I fell so horrible that heart broken look he had it's like his whole world was shattered" she said "Who's heart broken?" said Sunny waking into the room with Izzy "Well..." Pipp started to say but before she could finish I burst into the room "Xavier Good..." began Sunny but I ignored her walked past all of them and made my way to the top of the Brighthouse were the Crystals were kept "Woah he seemed really sad and angry" said Izzy "I'll go take to him" said Sunny 

Sunny found me just staring out across the bay "Xavier what's wrong?" she asked I took in a big breath "Pipp and Misty said we should just go back to being friends" I said "What why?" asked Sunny "Ask them I don't what to talk about it" I said Sunny came up behind me and gave me a hug "Xavier  I know this must hurt but you'll get through it I know your strong enough to" she said I turned to her "Your not going to break up with me to right?" I asked "No of course not I love you Xavier and I'm never going to leave you" she said I smiled Sunny then came over again and placed her head underneath my chin I realized how small Sunny was Sunny just reached my neck not wonder she stood on the tips of her hooves to kiss me I put a foreleg around her and held her close and then started to sing 

I looked down her her and we kissed "Remember I'll never leave you we shine together" said Sunny I nodded Sunny took the elevator down I looked back at the crystals "We sparkle" I whispered before following her 

A/N: My first Original Chapter I hope the song fit's okay I tried many until setting on this one you can choose your own any I'm back write MLP so I'll see you next time stay tune.     

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