chapter 2

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(when bird is watching the parade)

bird: woah. i can see so many beys!

ekusu: theyre balloons...

(suddenly homalocephale appears)

bird: it's... just like my dream!

homalocephale: hrr... YOU ARE MINE

bird: AAAAAGGH!!!! (in pterosaur)

(homalocephale pushes bird out of the x tower)

homalocephale: I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!

(bird fights back)

bird: (punches homalocephale) I WILL KILL YOU BACK TOO!!!!!!!

(meanwhile at the zooganic house)

king: are we ready for thanksgiving?

cho: i prepared the feast.

toguro: (sees a war between bird and homalocephale) that can't be good...

to be continued

the giving of xजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें