chapter 1

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(it is thanksgiving at x city and bird's having a dream)

bird: it's thanksgiving and what do i do now?

(suddenly a figure appears)

homalocephale (my oc and named after an archo): haha. so you are having a thanksgiving feast? YOU WILL BE MINE FOR 65 MILLION YEARS!!!!!!


(homalocephale kicks bird out of the window)

bird: ...NO!

(bird nearly dies)

homalocephale: your'e mine for 65 quadrillion years

(when bird wakes up)

bird: AAACK! so... that was a dream... there was no homalocephale... and what?

multi: seems like you had a bad dream bird

bird: yeah... and today's thanksgiving and i need to set up a feast and go to the x tower and-

multi: what?

bird: watch the parade.

(when ekusu appears)

ekusu: hey!? what's with all that screaming!?

bird: i had a bad dream when... an emo boy named after an archosaur named homalocephale tried to kill me and...

ekusu: well, bad news bird he's coming straight on the way when the parade starts and we should go to the x tower now...

(meanwhile at the x tower)

ekusu: i prepared for the feast and the turkey...

multi: i actually got the drinks ready.

bird: i hope homalocephale dosen't come here early.

to be continued

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