Or he had broken it in a mad rage.

"I told you not to come back here, don't you understand that?" Valentino's enraged voice made its way into her ear. "I didn't get that memo, Mr. Woodland. Maybe you should have told that to me beforehand." Disha said and for a moment his face became calm. Like the calm and carefree Valentino, she was used to seeing.

Then it had morphed into something she couldn't believe she was seeing. Valentino came towards her and she moved back in fear. She was afraid of him and wasn't a bit ashamed to admit the same. She felt herself backed up to the wall. And her eyes go towards his cabin door.

It was the only way out and standing in between her and her escape was him.

Valentino's eyes followed hers. She looked at him as well following his eyes. He sped walked and then closed and locked the door cutting her escape route altogether. Then he turned around and looked at her. He slowly made his way towards her. She closed her eyes tightly. She wanted to walk away but her feet refused to move.

She felt his finger move over her face and stopped at her shoulder. "Doll, you are a bad liar." He told her in a very calm tone but she knew he was very angry at her. The reason for that was unknown to her. She was very much afraid of his next action. But he moved away and she opened her eyes.

He was holding a glass in his hand and it was on the verge of cracking. "Valentino, you are going to hurt yourself very badly." She tried to pull the glass away from him. But he didn't let go and then it broke and his hand began to bleed. "You are hurt." She said softly. And then took his hand in hers checking the damage.

He placed his uninjured hand over her cheek. "I have to hurt myself, Doll. It was the only way to snap me back to reality." Disha was shocked. "If I haven't, I could have hurt someone else, I could have hurt you. How can I hurt you like this?" He asked. "I don't understand, was it because of something I did? Was it my fault?" Disha asked.

"No, it was not. It is mine. Baby Doll, all of it is my fault. How could I ever forget that I am not good enough?" He said more to himself than to her. "It was not wrong of you to search for the better one, a better person. I am damaged and it is all I am going to be. I am irrational, irresponsible, spontaneous, reckless, and all those other bad things that people will warn a good girl like you to stay away from."

Disha made him sit on the couch, the one which wasn't destroyed at all. The only one surviving the storm that raged a while ago through the cabin. "I am sorry for anything that I did to make you feel this way, Valentino. It was never my intention to do this. I never wished for you to feel this low. I am sorry, I apologize for what I did." He shook his head from side to side. "No, I am sorry, my angel, my princess. I have frightened you, haven't I?" he slowly touched her face trying to calm himself.

"I am sorry," he said that phrase repeatedly. "I shouldn't have done that, I shouldn't have listened to her and followed you. But when you didn't come towards the hospital you have gone to him..." He paused and whispered again "You have gone to him... instead of me, you chose him. You chose him, you chose Eros. You gone to meet him, you lied to me." Then his voice increased ringing into her ears.

"Why did you lie to me? Why? I trusted you. I trusted you more than I trusted anyone. I trusted you with my deepest, darkest self and you betrayed it. Why? Why you have done so? Am I not good enough for you to tell me about your whereabouts? Or why you went there?" His hold tightened on Disha.

"I am sorry Valentino, I didn't know that would hurt you. I forgot to tell you. I was in a hurry and then he called me. It was urgent. He wanted to consult me on a critical case. It was a little child, how could I ignore the request?" Valentino wiped her eyes. "No, you cannot. I know baby, how much it matters to you. I know how much you want this. You wish to make those little children happy." He pushed her hair back. Disha knew there was only one way she could calm him down.

Disha needed to give him assurance. "I am sorry." She whispered and then softly kissed him. "I am so sorry," She keeps saying in between her kisses. He pulled her closer and she was now sitting on his lap. He kissed her back hungrily forgetting every pain that he was feeling. His hands explored her skin. He begins relaxing little by little. He hugged her tightly. "Never do that again." He said with a finality in his tone.

"Never again, I promise," Disha said trying to pull away. He stopped her. "You are hurt we need to check that." He didn't let her go. "Stay here, I need you to stay next to me." He whispered. "Ok, but then we can go on to the rounds. And call a clean-up crew. You needed a renovation at this place. Something that doesn't look like a dungeon." He smiled. "You love that dungeon. Don't you my love? You crave that, don't you miss it, what I did to you that day? Tell me"

He touched her lips with his fingers. Then kissed her again. "I am sorry. For all this. Are you going to be alright, Doll?" Disha nodded but her mind was on that phrase. That she told him to follow her. Was it that woman? Who was that woman and why Valentino listened to her? He doesn't listen to anyone. Not even her most of the time.

"Disha, I know I haven't been around since we came back from the vacation. But I haven't done anything to offend you. In this life or next, I am only yours. I only belong to you." He said softly. Then he kissed her forehead.

"What are you going to do about this?" Disha asked showing him the cabin. "I think I am going to shift my things to your cabin. Then I can be closer to you. I cannot stay this far not seeing you for hours." Disha played with his buttons. "Only till you are here. When you go back home, I will not be there." She said in a sad tone. "Then I have a solution for you. Why don't you move in with me?"

Disha looked shocked to hear that. "Move in with you? To your place?" he nodded. "I want you to stay with me, where I can see you. I want to see you next to me. Sleep next to you. I cannot sleep without you in my arms. I have spent this one week in agony that you cannot understand." He said playing with her fingers.

"You could have come back. You could have called me. You could have told me to come to you. I would have Val. But you didn't, I thought you were not going to come to me. You have forgotten..." "No, I did not. I cannot. You are the only thing I can never ever forget." Disha assured him again.

"You promise?" She nodded again. "Don't hurt yourself like this alright? You are too precious to me Val." Disha whispered holding his hand in hers. Then she pulled him closer and embraced her in her arms.

Valentino was calmer now, he had her in his arms. He has her closer. His heaven, his home was with him and nothing could go wrong anymore. Nothing will ever go wrong in his life ever again. Because he has her. And she will always protect him from all those bad things that have followed him all his life. 

Word Count: 2194 Words

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